If you see your friend following the account of a terrible person, it's completely okay to DM your friend and say, "Hey, do you know that this person you're following/quoting/reposting/agreeing with, is terrible?"
Rarely your friend will say, "Yes, I like terrible people!" But not often.
If you see your friend following the account of a terrible person, it's completely okay to DM your friend and say, "Hey, do you know that this person you're following/quoting/reposting/agreeing with, is terrible?"
Rarely your friend will say, "Yes, I like terrible people!" But not often.
Like yes, please tell me, I miss a lot of posts.
Please tell me when somebody is being terrible.
To me this is like sitting through weak devils advocate arguments.
Where did I say judge?
If a woman friend of yours DMs you and says, "Did you know this man is not safe?"
You could reply "Yes, I know! That dude clearly sucks. I follow him to keep tabs. I'm not endorsing him at all."
End of conversation. No one got judged. Relax.
Those of you popping out of the woodwork to say that this wouldn't be safe with you? Are saying a lot.
I'm not going to try to change your mind. Thanks for making your position clear.