Topical magnesium, either lotion or spray, mushroom cocoa, reduce calcium intake, D3/K2vitamins. Had intractable insomnia and was hospitalized and they did nothing, I figured it out myself. Weed helps if your liver isn’t fucked.
Deep breathing practice. Inhale filling lungs, hold for count of 25, slowly exhale. Repeat 3 times, then continuous breath without holding. You'll be asleep shortly.
I don’t have it but my surrogate mom’s is real bad so I’ve learned a lot.
- CBT-I actually helps
- take pressure to sleep off yourself if you can, you may be in an insomnia loop where the stress of “am I going to get to sleep” is the reason you can’t sleep
- progressive muscle relaxation
Audiobooks of something I like but have heard before on just barely audible volume. This lets me keep lights off + helps prevent worrying or getting up/lights on out of boredom since falling asleep just takes a long time for me.
Sadly, the older I get, the worse drinking gives me insomnia. And over the holidays, it's been a bear. And then the stress of knowing you're not sleeping makes it worse.
Try all suggestions is my advice, but also give yourself a break. Get up and write something. Or read. You'll fall back to sleep.
hormone replacement therapy. obviously not for everyone but something overlooked by doctors for quite some time and a game changer for me. best of luck to you.
Brink a blanket and lay down on the sofa, being somewhere different can help side-step the bedroom being a place your mind goes bonkers and keeps you awake.
But for real, exercise - something that gets your heart pumping for a sustained period >= 30 minutes has helped. Also meditation, sometimes helps. Where meditation is actively working to suppress random/uncontrolled thoughts and you’re directing your attention on a single point of focus
I've suffered from chronic insomnia nearly all my life. And then my doctor prescribed me gabapentin to treat my peripheral neuropathy. And now I hardly have insomnia.
My sleep dr said no visible clocks in DARK room with no tv or devices . It truly helps . I occasionally use liquid zzzquil , that helps me get a solid 6 most the time . Lots of pillows . I have to talk myself into a “ happy place “ as I’m getting as comfortable as I can . Toss n turn ALOT through it
Cognitive shuffling: choose a letter, name as many things as you can starting with it, the less related the better. When you exhaust it, switch to a new one. It gives your prefrontal cortex a tasky thing to do, thus avoiding the rumination.
Advil PM (Benadryl) and a melatonin. The melatonin gets you to sleep and the Benadryl helps to keep you there. Currently trying CBD/THC/CBN gummys with pretty disappointing results…
I lay down, get really comfortable and relaxed, and start telling myself that I cannot, under any circumstances, go to sleep. I HAVE to stay awake. It works about 70% of the time.
I absolutely agree. I start by adding a visualization of the number 99, then with each slow breath, I visualize 98, 97, 96 etc.
I rarely make it below 65.
I've had insomnia for decades and this works. Really important to maintain the visualization.
Going Z to A, naming in my head an 80s band corresponding to the correct letter, usually distracts my mind from the anxiety spiral and I fall back asleep. Magnesium supplements every day. No electronics 1/2 hour before bedtime.
I got nothing, but maybe I shouldn't have slept for 24 hours yesterday and that the 2 caffeinated bars (4 cups of coffee worth) and tea didn't help either #GoodLuck
Cortisol is the "wake up" hormone. Sometimes it will shut up if you answer it, e.g. if I wake up at 3am, wide awake (cortisol spike) I get up and walk around a bit, up and down the stairs, get a glass of water, cortisol thinks it woke me up and reduces.
This isn't a quick-fix, but if you can plan ahead and have a gym membership (or can get a pass) you can try:
1. Swim for half an hour
2. Sauna or hot tub
3. Hot shower
4. Pre-warm bed with an electric blanket or hot water bottle
5. Hot drink (no caffeine, non-alcoholic)
7. Dark, cool room
you won’t believe how well it works, & there’s absolutely no grogginess, addiction or other side effects!
- CBT-I actually helps
- take pressure to sleep off yourself if you can, you may be in an insomnia loop where the stress of “am I going to get to sleep” is the reason you can’t sleep
- progressive muscle relaxation
Try all suggestions is my advice, but also give yourself a break. Get up and write something. Or read. You'll fall back to sleep.
Brink a blanket and lay down on the sofa, being somewhere different can help side-step the bedroom being a place your mind goes bonkers and keeps you awake.
I can make my brain shut up by being somewhere else doing something thinky for a bit.
I rarely make it below 65.
I've had insomnia for decades and this works. Really important to maintain the visualization.
It's worth trying for 5 minutes.
For my husband breather techniques used in the military. Don’t drink too much at night. The gummies work for me.
1. Swim for half an hour
2. Sauna or hot tub
3. Hot shower
4. Pre-warm bed with an electric blanket or hot water bottle
5. Hot drink (no caffeine, non-alcoholic)
7. Dark, cool room
Melatonin makes me crazy so I won’t touch it.