His tech bros are heavily inve$ted in installing him too.
thiel said: “"We could never win an election on getting certain things because we were in such a small minority, but maybe you could unilaterally change the world…through technological means.”
It's completely reasonable to ask questions. Always! Irrational conspiracy theorists and their ilk don't ask questions -- they provide answers that were pulled out of thin air without any proof or fact base but with an agenda instead.
You're not crazy for asking questions about the 🤡. He only ran because he was notified that there was an indictment coming down. He should've been prosecuted and marked as a traitor per the constitution. I blame mitch McConnell for not actually going ahead w/charges and leaving it to the courts.
Just 8 days left! Links below- call or send msg
“Hello, my name is____. I'm calling/writing to request support for a forensic audit of the 2024 election due to significant reports of interference and irregularities, including bomb threats and a high rate of rejected mail-in ballots in key states."
Washington DC, will you please watch this small video?! All of us know that this was not legal election! Trump must be disqualified! What are you hiding from us that you are so afraid to do the right thing? There is a whole lot of Americans that would wish you would disqualify the election.
Many of us, but not enough, have been writing all of this since Nov 6
The disturbing response, to me, is that no one like @marcelias.bsky.social, or @politicsgirl.bsky.social or @briantylercohen.bsky.social, or @jojofromjerz.bsky.social, chimed in.
Just for a forensic audit and hand r count in PA.
It's demoralizing. Also Krebs CREW Maddow - I appreciate them immensely for all they do, but don't understand why they haven't simply chosen a few precincts w suspect results & used their platform to discuss the need for hand recounts & forensic audits. @jessicadenson07.bsky.social is one of the few
I LOVE THIS YOUNG Lady🫶 & I LOVE Her Intellectual REACH⚡
I LOVE HerCriticalTHINKING💯I LOVE HerEmotionalCourage❤️🔥
I Came2BlueSky from muskRATs twitterSewerPipe 💩HOPING2Find Like-Minded,Strong-minded People Who CARE4Humanity & The #PRESERVATIONofDEMOCRACY w/OutWhich #Humanity cannot Survive🌈🆘
thiel said: “"We could never win an election on getting certain things because we were in such a small minority, but maybe you could unilaterally change the world…through technological means.”
100% hinky.
At least make the lie believable!
Just 8 days left! Links below- call or send msg
“Hello, my name is____. I'm calling/writing to request support for a forensic audit of the 2024 election due to significant reports of interference and irregularities, including bomb threats and a high rate of rejected mail-in ballots in key states."
Many of us, but not enough, have been writing all of this since Nov 6
The disturbing response, to me, is that no one like @marcelias.bsky.social, or @politicsgirl.bsky.social or @briantylercohen.bsky.social, or @jojofromjerz.bsky.social, chimed in.
Just for a forensic audit and hand r count in PA.
I LOVE HerCriticalTHINKING💯I LOVE HerEmotionalCourage❤️🔥
I Came2BlueSky from muskRATs twitterSewerPipe 💩HOPING2Find Like-Minded,Strong-minded People Who CARE4Humanity & The #PRESERVATIONofDEMOCRACY w/OutWhich #Humanity cannot Survive🌈🆘
Someone said they followed the playbook Vance used when he won his seat.