At a Virginia church over the weekend, a young woman got up in front of the congregation and apologized for getting pregnant out of wedlock.
The pastor then said she didn’t deserve a baby shower and told the church not to attend one in secret.
The pastor then said she didn’t deserve a baby shower and told the church not to attend one in secret.
Segregated congregation: check.
Hateful anti-congregant messaging: check.
Yep, that's a christian cult
Fck them cruel monsters
Self-selected cruelty is a different matter, altogether
Thanks for the update.
Anyways, I'm making Zeppoles on my Snow Day off.
What're you doing?
(i considered several different expletives but this one seemed apropos)
Car seats, clothing, gear, supplies...that's what a baby shower is for - the baby.
F*cking liars. No other word. All of these "Good Christians" are neither.
Self flagellation is not as bad as this!
Seriously, fuck those hypocritical half-wits. Their own deity is a bastard. Religion is the single worst thing to happen to humanity. Ever.
I really hope that the teenager recognizes the adults in her life are abusing her, can get help, and can cut off all the toxic people around her (particularly her shitty mom).
That took a lot of courage for her to stand up and say that when it's no one's fucking business in the first place.
Meanwhile you know the real Jesus would have happily loved and accepted her!
That church is a mockery and insult to everything their Jesus taught!
this catholic-raised medic says that entire church and it's fucking flock need to go re-read the bible and shut the fuck up while they do it. dunno who the fuck they think they are but there's a lotta spiteful judging going on when that's Christ's job.
She also slept with her sons to populate the planet, but that's another story.
Pretending to worship son of a woman who got pregnant out of wedlock by unnatural means.
There's a two-word phrase that both begins & ends with F that was coined for just such occasions as this.
And they don't see the parallels with middle Eastern religious extremists? 🤦
No baby shower means no help with this baby. Nobody help with clothes, or a crib, or bottles, or diapers, or anything. Make this baby suffer poverty and deprivation because it’s not a human being, it’s an object lesson.
Remember, girls: never tell the truth. Hide everything
This is about that “pastor’s” ego. Jesus Christ never treated women like that.
Sounds like ur sure of ur convictions but still willing to see a bright spot in what may be a dark night.
We never want to be as close-minded as those shouting against us.
Keep ur eyes on the stars ✨
She needs to get out of the cult.
And folks ask why I am an atheist.
Honestly, the mother is worse than the church. That poor teenager needs to get away, get therapy, and never speak to any of these people again.
How fucking Christianly of them.
My cousin, thrown over a fence and raped by village men, was made to apologize in front of her congregation. In the 1960s.
Nothing. Happened. To. The. Men.
THIS is who they are, what they are aiming to restore.
But you can tell what a great church it is by the fact that they separate the men and the women on either side of the aisle.
Call me crazy, but that screams "DIVISIVENESS".
Left the church.
Wasn't a big loss for me, only went because it's what my mom wanted.
Like others have said:
NO hate like Christian love.
My guess is—no.
Jesus Christ never treated women like this. This was about that man’s power trip, and nothing to do with God or faith.
News flash. Sexual abuse is everywhere.
This pastor is an evil man.