Soooo, I’m followed by, it’s always a man., there is nothing obvious about what on his profile but my gut tells me , no don’t follow. Should I block them or just leave it at them following me?
Good advice. With proper blocking features, I’m hoping that they can be kept under control. On another note, less eyeballs on Elmo’s dumpster fire of a platform will accelerate its demise.
Whyyyyyy can’t they just stick to X?! So disappointing that I’ve just found a safe place away from the lunatics only for them to begin the infiltration! 😤
It's really funny how they just jump right in, expose themselves, and everybody blocks them immediately. Like - they don't get this place at all. NO SUBTLETY
Well, I guess they’ll stand out because of their positive and encouraging words towards humans. That, and spelling errors. Long live to too two there they’re and their.
Well, they might have grown tired of the hate, the anger, the useless accusations and bitterness as well. Let us welcome them and show them how a free thinking environment actually fosters happiness!
... and then block the shit out of them and get them instabanned if they carry over their venom...
I've been saying not to be in a rush to build as many followers as you can without vetting. I see several 💙 that are following MAGAts and I've had a few follow me expecting a blind follow back. Nope.
Yea, they've apparently had spies in the camp for some time. Probably only an issue for those in public service whose posts could be twisted and used against them, as anywhere else.
Yeah already had a scam artist saying he won lottery of 200 million dollars and says anyone who follows him back will get 5,000 dollars said he needed I believe 1,000 followers he sent me a message I didn’t answer back knew it was a scam
It’s fine if conservatives want to join the platform, I just don’t want them in my feed hijacking every conversation turning it into a shit show. Their toxic hatred can stay on the other site.
There are a bunch of celebrity impersonation accounts being created that are gaining thousands of followers that are suddenly switching to MAGA accounts when they get traction. If they don’t post verification they’re who they say they are, don’t follow them. Also just don’t follow celebrities.
I've had a random few follow me, somehow, and were blocked. I think magat link shaming, I mean sharing so we can preemptively block them would be of service for us all.
Make sure to go check out their page, if they have very few posts, their replies guve them away.
They readily give themselves away one way or the other.
In groves! I vet super-carefully as I rebuild. It is very time consuming and slow, but needed. I’ve only been here 5 days and I’ve seen a huge influx of Bot and MAGA Accounts. The lists are a not that helpful as they aren’t vetted. I still love the platform though 💙💙💙
I'm doing this in exactly the way I've always on Xwitter. Carefully watching feeds & not auto-following back everybody who comes. Also, removing accounts that are clearly bots/trolls or have no direct engagement with a discernible voice.
Toying with the low IQ MAGA tribe is a guilty pleasure of mine. Just let them talk in circles and wait for the contradictions so I can juxtapose their own words against eachother.
Hitler is picking his 4th Reich, Project 2025 Mein Kampf, he going to use the Gestapo to get rid of immigrants, if you want a look at America's future, look at Nazi Germany, they have already banned the books because they plan to repeat that dark history, the media "must" help the American people. 💙
Not all folks who are 'pro-Ukrainian' are what they seem. We have imposters of actual people from other places, and troll and bot accounts that pretend. Now, again, talk to the people who maintain the list. If you think there are some errors, ask about them.
I am, however, looking for my twitter people to follow.
S. Spoonamore is an election integrity expert that if IIRC from the 2016-2020 era was highly respected by all other experts.
Duty to Warn Letter - to VP Harris - Re: Election 2024
Stephen Spoonamore
Nov 15, 2024
... and then block the shit out of them and get them instabanned if they carry over their venom...
One was spamming people saying Trump was the president.
Why they can’t understand that we don’t want them anymore…
They need learn to live their own life.
They readily give themselves away one way or the other.
go to their LISTS
We expect these S h I t
We should smoke them out