It’s very important because they need to TRY to find and label anyone who they can use to take the spotlight off the fact that they’re the worst deviants & predators in society!!
Image: Pink square with Bette Midler on it and says New Word
Evangnitals (noun)
evan.gen.itals, fundamentalist
Christians who are always intrsted in what is in someone else's pants.
…low budgeted disrespected sometime denounced overlooked falsely accused intended to have humiliated and to insult both to possibly ridicule and verbally
😂I concur that is pretty much how I have felt about specific things being the fact that I’m a Christian, a believer in leadership and yet have been..cont
This also sums up how I feel about “gender reveal” parties. I hate them. I think it’s gross to have a party to tell people what kind of genitals your kid has.
preach on sunday and try to fuck your wife on monday. that happen to me and the boot stooping he got but him out of business. he said now let's talk about this just before he took a beating to write home about!
I've been using that term for years. It's funny because people think I'm mispronouncing or misspelling it, and "correct" me. That, or I sometimes write Evanjellycalls and half the time people are so ignorant that they don't even catch the misspelling.
I can confirm this, from personal experience.
They also blame the child after.
Accusing the victim of "tricking" them, even manipulating them into abusing you.
Then you have the worst ones, those who cry and beg you for forgiveness.
Sick f--ks.
They (men) have always been interested in what’s in everyone’s pants. The biggest lot of sexual predators you will ever meet. Rule #1 when we went to church.. never find yourself alone with anyone.. ever .. full stop…
I’ve never seen any people so interested in what their fellow citizens do in bed in my life. Then again these are the people that want to ban porn and shut down sex toy stores
GOP: The party who never knows how to mind their own damn business. It's always about other people's genitals, gay people's marriages and women's choice of their own bodies.
It's literally the party of Karen.
It’s troubling that evangelical fathers will go to great lengths with promise rings, chastity vows, bible thumping, threats, fear, and constant monitoring to control their daughter’s dating habits all in an effort to administrate who gets to use her vagina first.
That’s a good one. 😂💙
Where do you get all these? They make my day :)
How perfectly sad.
Stop coveting your neighbors ass Christians!!! Geez!!!
Evangnitals (noun)
evan.gen.itals, fundamentalist
Christians who are always intrsted in what is in someone else's pants.
a rhythmical expression of appreciation!
…low budgeted disrespected sometime denounced overlooked falsely accused intended to have humiliated and to insult both to possibly ridicule and verbally
I love this new word
Thank you for this word that perfectly encapsulates that sentiment!!! #evangenitals
😆LOL…..I just love her 🥰
They also blame the child after.
Accusing the victim of "tricking" them, even manipulating them into abusing you.
Then you have the worst ones, those who cry and beg you for forgiveness.
Sick f--ks.
—Marcel Proust
It's literally the party of Karen.
runs up to him with a towel and lotion 🤣🤷🤣
Just saying!
It really is that creepy.