Unfathomable, perhaps. What is clear, is that our uninformed citizenry preferred the above abomination over a smart, prepared WOMAN OF COLOR. This is what we are. There will be many opportunities to see the grave error.
Unfathomable, perhaps. What is clear is that our uninformed citizenry preferred the above abomination over a smart, experienced, prepared WOMAN OF COLOR. This is what we are. There will be many opportunities to see the grave error.
It’s not, really. He speaks at a third-grade level, fueling a groupthink mentality. His violent rhetoric incites division, and his superfluous language distracts from the fact that he avoids answering questions—all while profiting through relentless merchandising.
Perhaps the ones who voted for him did so because they do not want to follow the law and rules and they see DT as a very corrupt man who can be their advocate for such boorish behavior. Little do they know just what a nightmarish can of worms they just opened up by voting him in.
I live in a 95% Republican area and I can't tell you the fact is they don't believe any of it. They think it is all made up by the media, simple as that.
Trumpism is a mass hysteria within a cult. People are made to feel like gods gift and made to think that trump loves and protects them. They're especially vulnerable because they already had ideologies that aligned with trumps brainwashing like white supremacy, Christian supremacy, anti LGBTQ.
I'm sorry you forgot compulsive liar & f***ing moron. To me it all comes down to America is just not ready to have a female president even though she was the astronomically better candidate. I believe to this day if Joe Biden would've stayed in the race he would've won. America needs to grow up.
And #TemuTrump followers in #canada are following along and spouting that they wish he was here 🤦♀️ Leave then. Why do the rest of us need to follow their delusions?
There’s only one reason why this could possibly happen: decades of brainwashing by the likes of Fox News and right-wing radio and podcasts. The left has been demonized continuously all these years. That’s why a piece of human garbage like Trump could be elected.
Millions of white Christians are like "yeah, rapist Trump is our guy". Same for millions of white women they are like "We love a rapist". North Korea's propagandists are like woah, they convinced millions of white women to vote for a rapist. White male Trumpists are malevolent.
The American people were obviously lied to and manipulated by Elon Musk and other millionaires who boughttheirway into running our government.And for that reason alone, this election should be nullified.
There was election interference! They admitted to doing it openly!
I ask yesterday on another thread what happened to common decency the last couple generations. A generation ago what happened this election would have never made it to a candidate as indecent and immoral he is.
Winning elections with academic approach? Those times are gone. Dems have to start lying, cheating, creating conspiracy theories and generally learn how to communicate with retards(50% of population). You cant beat em fair & square, they will have to go to the sewer cause thats where these rats live
More to the point, he gets away with everything that would get them fired or ostracized. They want to hate and act like he can.
Why didnt they prevent it?
It's why I left.
It’s gonna be an awful 4 years if not much longer.
The orange turd should be sitting in prison right now, not picking his cabinet with whom he will destroy American democracy!!
There was election interference! They admitted to doing it openly!
Why no investigations?