Warm colors!
I've never looked at the moon this way before.
Sepia tones in an ultra modern photo. It made me kinda pull on my ear and switch my thinking for a minute.
I usually see the moon as cool colors, bluish greenish white. Sepia tones make it look so different.
I think a lot of telescopes add a little bit of a greenish cast.
I think it's creative that instead of going with the actual color, she changed it to the opposite side of the spectrum.
I love it when the moon is has this hue. it's so bright. I run at night in an area without many streetlights. when the moon is like this it is so bright it's as if I am running during the day
So, by the look of it, you took the photo around moonrise from near the equator. Either that or you rotated the photo (to avoid any hemisphereism perhaps?).
:-) thats beautiful. Until you try, most people don't realize how difficult it can be. Best i could do same camera. you know i should try again this time same lens but with a Zseries.
I have that same nikkor telephoto lens. The nice thing it retains it's F5.6 throughout its entire range from 200mm to 500mm. Its a beast to haul around in the back country though especially paired with my D3s.
I've never looked at the moon this way before.
Sepia tones in an ultra modern photo. It made me kinda pull on my ear and switch my thinking for a minute.
I think a lot of telescopes add a little bit of a greenish cast.
I think it's creative that instead of going with the actual color, she changed it to the opposite side of the spectrum.
Or the weird cryptkeeper currency.
Nikon D5500 with the 70-300mm that came with the package. Total rookie shot (the remote and tripod did most of the work.)
Got some Lens Acquisition Syndrome going on at the moment, and the 200-500 is high on the list.
On Twitter, that would be a drone.
*And we STILL CAN'T SEE Neil Armstrong's footprints on the surface?*
'Cooler' version, Canon 5D mk4, 100-400 on 2x extender.
Usually set F11 around 1/30th. ISO 100.
Amazing picture BTW
You are a godsend.
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Do you know why that they tell you they always have to fly to the other side of the moon?
Because it's a light and no one has ever landed on it.
NASA is a hoax.