Now they must act and sacrifice a little to establish the new world order. I will believe their intention when we hear the euro is being considered as a reserve currency. 500 million people would seem to make that a proper step to take.
This plus the Baltics, who was’nt present in the meeting, will be what replace NATO. There is two strong nuclear powers among us. France has 300 nuclear warheads. A small number compared to Russia and the US. But I suspect neither of them would want them raining down, not to mention the UK ones.
Not ambushing, nor betraying Zelensky, nor cuddling up to a non-committal Putin who just needs to bide his time.
With full military support and tougher sanctions on Russia and his supporters, Russia will implode.
But no, Trump and his amateur cabinet fiddle about with adult, mature political stuff.
Trump proved to the world that he is completely unhinged and unstable. He is unfit to be president. What happened in the oval office was embarrassing, unacceptable and unforgivable. He acted like a complete man child. This should be the straw that broke the camel's back. 😠😤😡🤬
19 suits agree that trump is not worth bothering it and they need to go it alone.. More of this to come unless he suddenly grows a brain... but that's highly doubtful. Trade, defense (anything you can think of) on a global setting will be done for the next 4 years minimum without the US.
Can't blame'm for Felon President Trump's exclusion. Any group is always better off with one less asshole.With Felon President Trump in charge we all can prepare to be second fiddle to Russia & China. That's the greatness we are heading for under Felon President Trump and the Republican Con Party.☮️
I hate the shame I feel at our country right now. I don’t support this regime and I hate that we have to live with the consequences of their fucking stupidly and greed.
Call your congressman before Tuesday’s congressional address to let them know America should not be siding with Russia to exploit Ukraine. Remind your congressman of their oath to the constitution and their duty to protect American citizens from tyranny, foreign and domestic.
The world will go on without us. Keep Calm and Carry On! Unless you live in America, then oof, sorry, it's gonna get real bad real soon. You should start reading about the Great Depression.
Until the wanna-be dictator is deposed (and he WILL be), the U.S. will be what it's acting like so far during his presidency - a third-world country who doesn't deserve to interact with civilized nations.
We are entering the find out phase of the delusional America First bully agenda. We’ve been seeing the pushback on Trump and Musk, but it will eventually hit hard American companies doing business internationally.
To be fair, he didn’t qualify. This was to be a meeting of world leaders. The axis of evil can have their own meeting in one of their hang outs like Pyongyang.
Bullies often find themselves uninvited and out of the loop. Who wants to deal with them? There are always others who are kinder, more supportive, more caring, and much more fun to be around.
You are either on the side of right and humanity or you are trump and Vance. The rest of the world will sideline America just as it does Russia and help Ukraine win the war that it didn't start and then we will help Ukraine rebuild and join us in Europe and hopefully NATO too.
For the first time in over a century USA lacks relevance. Trump is turning it into a backwater nation run by feudal lord billionaires and serfs, no education funding, no healthcare funding, no secret service. USA will become blind deaf and dumb while the free world strenghtens old alliances.
The US has been taken offline from the world leader role until repairs can be made in 2028. Impeachment would be the remedy but the next one in line are not up to the task either.
Democratic world leaders should exclude the US from all major events. The GOP and Trump share putins vision. They confirmed all of his compromised americans. They should NOT trust this country
A day that will forever be remembered. It’s the first time that the United States hasn’t been present at a NATO conference since its inception in 1949.
He needs to be given the death penalty for his high crimes and misdemeanors. Like guillotined. Fuck impeachment him it won't do anything. We learned that the first time.
Trump will be throwing ketchup around the Whitehouse when he finds out President Zelenski has met His Highness King Charles III twice now.
Will be interesting to see if Trump ever leaves the USA for state visits
He'll get a rude welcome here in the UK & in Europe that's forshore.
Never in my life did I think we have to defend Ukraine against the USA but here we are. I hope we don't have to defend Canada from the USA but if we have to we will.
I'm from the UK, trust went out the window Friday when Trump & Vance showed who they are in bed with.
80 years of friendship gone just like that.
Y'all take care of yourselves It's been emotional.
We'll check in very occasionally
Love to the family.
Aligning with?? You are so beyond that. Putin IS the handler and little Donnie is his prize asset. Spy terms, but so fitting. Putin has had something on Donnie for a very long time.
Pretty soon they will “hear the people sing”, and it’ll be the “song of the chain gang” as Trump and Elon shuffle off to prison. Ok, it’s my recurring dream!!
How can our elected officials think that aligning with Russia is good for the America people? It’s not good economically, you can’t trust them and communism is something we would all hate.
Wake up Congress you following the Mad Hatter down the rabbit hole!
Helen Clark - an ex New Zealand prime minister - has suggested New Zealand should re-evaluate our part in the Five Eyes intelligence alliance
We don't want to be allied with Russia, and it has become clear that Trump's US can't be trusted to keep information and sources confidential
Trump won't honor NATO either, so US carriers may as well sail around the gulf of United States now.
I never believed in the pee-pee tapes, but now I'm not so sure.
It would be amazing if ex-KGB Putin DIDN'T bug Trump's room when he was in Moscow.
Why did he show nude pix of Melania on Russian TV?
The 2024 “Axis of evil” is Russia, North Korea, China, and The MAGA USA, all being aligned in the desired destruction of … The USAs democratic Republic.
Donald Trump, if our Republicans were still patriots, would be impeached for this anti-American alignment.
About time.
With full military support and tougher sanctions on Russia and his supporters, Russia will implode.
But no, Trump and his amateur cabinet fiddle about with adult, mature political stuff.
One step further. Anyone meeting with the Mango Mussolini should wear khaki attire.
His head would explode.
Just a thought.
Who they guy looking up?
Truer words never spoken
Because I didn't.
He needs to be impeached.
It’s a huge concern
I’m good with that
I still think he should be.
The spin from the magatards will be dizzying
America is a rough country that need to be sidelined once and for all.
Will be interesting to see if Trump ever leaves the USA for state visits
He'll get a rude welcome here in the UK & in Europe that's forshore.
Slava Europe! Slava Ukraini!
Fuck Trump!
President Zelensky is NOW the
Vanguard of democracy
What was Trump doing today?
Oh right, golf at Mara Lago
I hate the thought of war but this stepping up by Europe is long over due. Fuck Trump, Musk and Vance
80 years of friendship gone just like that.
Y'all take care of yourselves It's been emotional.
We'll check in very occasionally
Love to the family.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Wake up Congress you following the Mad Hatter down the rabbit hole!
We don't want to be allied with Russia, and it has become clear that Trump's US can't be trusted to keep information and sources confidential
I never believed in the pee-pee tapes, but now I'm not so sure.
It would be amazing if ex-KGB Putin DIDN'T bug Trump's room when he was in Moscow.
Why did he show nude pix of Melania on Russian TV?