Trump and his bestie, Jeffrey Epstein.
You know what they say…birds of a feather flock together.
You know what they say…birds of a feather flock together.
Billonares buying politicians, big corporate actually running a country. No wonder Trump wants to Putin's bestie. Russia is the most corrupt country.
Speaking of volume, remember when politicians got cancelled for some yelling because they were excited…
Yeah, that's it... National Security.
What does the Pedo king & Donny John's bestie have to do with National Security?
Uhhh.... Hmm.
(To the corrupt bitch: We already know he had a kid on the dick, or 50 so release the files.)
Cruelty is their thing👹
Would be nice if the orange criminal would emulate Epstein...prison and then the "full works".
Mayra, check your messages please 😁.
Melania knows too.
I think you spelled “flock” wrong.