It literally pisses me off that people try to pretend this man isn’t anything other than a Russian asset. It has always been so fucking obvious it isn’t even funny.
In Australia as well. We are the ONLY nation to have been in every conflict police action & war with USA since WW 1 and we have tariffs also.
Soon USA will have zero military allies and little trade. Fall of a super power
I have not knowingly bought anything American for the past six weeks. My tastes are changing. I don’t expect them to change back. This is going to have a long term effect on America
This crazy lady really said
Tariffs are a tax cut, it hurts my head
These crooks are manipulating the markets
The weak and the poor, as usual their targets
Watch out for that Robin Hood in reverse
They’re coming to steal your purse
#resist #barsnotwars
In its simplest form. A tariff is a tax that raises the price of an imported item. Consumers (you and me) pay the raised price! trump does not ‘get’ tariffs ergo neither does his maga base nor many of his mega repub mob nor apparently his press secretary. Chicago Sun-Times 12/24
They DO have people convinced these tariffs will get rid of income tax. I’m guessing it’ll be lower income tax, but for the 1% friends and family circle. Rest of us, screwed.
Tax cuts WILL go to the one percent
Raping and pillaging is money well spent
Every day, we just hear more lies
and I just keep asking myself Y❗?
#resist #barsnotwars
Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while
It came to me on the couch as a freestyle
At this point there's so much corruption and
That inside my brain it's caused an eruption
I can't seem to put down my pen
The rhymes just keep coming they never end
Journalists in the White House who are you ?
“He did’t mean it”
Or your silence to a dement insane Donald J Trump.
Imagine if Biden or Hilary Clinton had done the same .
Trump demand who are a jew and who are NOT, like Adolf .
The issues manifesting now are a direct result of deep seeded flaws in American society. Never properly updating the constitution for the times, allowing stupid amounts of money into politics, buying into american exceptionalism, etc...
Trump is a shit gibbon but America is deeply flawed entirely.
Further than that I'm afraid. But definitely things accelerated for the worse starting in the 1970s (with rollbacks on taxes on the wealthy, attacks on unions, etc).
For instance, where is America's "truth and reconciliation" process with the blacks let alone your indigenous populations?
I am terrified. I spend my days worrying if my SS and Medicare will be cut off. I am elderly and disabled. I’ve worked for these benefits all my life, paid into them since I was 16. You ask me as if I’m in charge of anything. I have no clue. Living in a now-authoritarian regime is horrifying.
Like many things it starts at your neighbours door.
And yea I'm not putting the entire world's problems on your shoulder. Heck look at Ontario, we just had an election where 55% of the voters didn't vote. And voting in Ontario is dead simple (took me 30 seconds).
I'm an American & I would also like to boycott American goods but that would be tough. I will, however, make it my mission to buy Canadian products when I can. Sorry about our stupid president & his stupid trade war & all his stupid remarks about annexing y'all, whatever the hell that means. 😞
We’re going to have to beg the world to buy our goods. CEOs, particularly those of international companies, had better wake up. They may think it will fizzle. It won’t.
The only country I’m angry with is my once ‘good ol USofA’. Can you imagine how our friends feel to be turned like this? America has made a big mistake voting for this, I still feel like the fix was in, but millions voted for this shit.
Remember, my Canadian, European and Mexican (and any human on the planet who is not caucasion), he hates educated Americans every bit as much as you.
Come back after 2026, when we take back the Congress.
If we live that long.
Haven't actually seen much cost rise in Canada yet. Lots of US produce has been replaced with Morocco, Egypt, South America. Only some of our appliances come from Michigan, but it's of South Korean stuff
Glory to MAGA! Trump isn't doing anything to hurt Red state producers! He's a surgeon that doesn't need to look! Who cares if China won't buy our beef! We'll double up our government subsidized/paid for Ozempic. Trump burgers! We ain't scared! Mom, I'm firing up the grill! Trade war makes me hungry!
Technocrat control! And “deleting the government!” Watch it it’s eye opening! And seems to be on point to what they are doing! And the felon has very little to do with it!
It would be like buying a Tesla. You may as well come out and admit you’re either a Nazi or that you’re okay with Nazis.
Soon USA will have zero military allies and little trade. Fall of a super power
This crazy lady really said
Tariffs are a tax cut, it hurts my head
These crooks are manipulating the markets
The weak and the poor, as usual their targets
Watch out for that Robin Hood in reverse
They’re coming to steal your purse
#resist #barsnotwars
Raping and pillaging is money well spent
Every day, we just hear more lies
and I just keep asking myself Y❗?
#resist #barsnotwars
It came to me on the couch as a freestyle
At this point there's so much corruption and
That inside my brain it's caused an eruption
I can't seem to put down my pen
The rhymes just keep coming they never end
“He did’t mean it”
Or your silence to a dement insane Donald J Trump.
Imagine if Biden or Hilary Clinton had done the same .
Trump demand who are a jew and who are NOT, like Adolf .
Trump is a shit gibbon but America is deeply flawed entirely.
For instance, where is America's "truth and reconciliation" process with the blacks let alone your indigenous populations?
And yea I'm not putting the entire world's problems on your shoulder. Heck look at Ontario, we just had an election where 55% of the voters didn't vote. And voting in Ontario is dead simple (took me 30 seconds).
There is still an America that is something to be admired and respected but currently under siege.
Europe recognises the sacrifice of 400,000 American GI's in WW2.💙
Come back after 2026, when we take back the Congress.
If we live that long.
And since he’s too arrogant to admit defeat and change course, he will double down on tariffs, and he will kill the economy once again.
And his cult will continue to carry on because they know that… 1/2
They will blame Biden, Democrats, etc…
It’s clear the Russians have Kompromat on him. Whatever he’s hiding from the American people is costing them dearly.