Tragic to say that the Journal headline is not wrong:
Democrats Are Busy Fighting Over What to Fight Over via @WSJ
Democrats Are Busy Fighting Over What to Fight Over via @WSJ
They are fighting over who gets the XBox controller and what game to play
This quote is spot on. Dem leaders have a "media strategy for the 1990s":
Elite consultants like Carville are out of their depths.
I think the quote that Dem leaders have a 1990s comms strategy is correct. Dinosaurs need to make way for a new generation like AOC.
The Parties, political people (Carville), news media and politicians know that in the arena as it exists the Presidency is where the easy money is.
Easy to message, control and report on.
This is probably the best chance to fix it in ages.
1 Term limits congress+ courts
2 Kill citizen united limit political $$$
3 No insider trading +Emoluments w/teeth
4 Sunset provisions for legislation
Strengthens Congress, weakens President + Parties and makes our system work like the Founders vision
Only in a functioning democracy, where elected leaders are actually responsive to their constituents, can other big changes like term limits happen.