When I first saw this, I thought it was AI-generated art, commenting on the state of the USA, referencing Trump and Musk. I didn't find out that it was real until today.
The police there were so prompt to tell a story. Instead of saying (a long investigation is on the way actually... we will uncover all rocks... Some of your questions have no answer yet.) That it should had been say to the media.
I think the two responsible, 45 and Musk, are seeing that not only are their brands getting decimated, but this is now a world of domestic terrorism that they created. While basically ignorant, they can see that this pattern will continue and they don't know how to spin it. It hit too close to home.
I guess it will be upheaval and turmoil during 2025 and this picture capture what’s ahead of us.
I hope the Americans can take back their country from the oligarchs/plutocrats and that democracy will live on.
Violence begets violence. It is time for people to break this spiral of violence, to see through its perpetrators and those who benefit from it, and to expose it before everything escalates worldwide.
The current news says the trunk of the truck was loaded with flammable materials and several large commercial rockets. The driver of the truck was killed in the explosion. About nine people were injured and taken to the hospital. More details may be coming.
I can’t post on X after posting this for some reason.
Did Elon Musk try to assassinate a Cyber Truck for support for Tesla like it happened for Trump? I believe he did just before poor sales information was released.
Goofy mistake of having explosive waiting in the back of a truck full of electricity.
The mistake is human... and yeah the guy's head can have hole in his head after the explosion without shooting himself... Just by propulsion of extra metal pieces.
I just can not believe that a SF guy will blow himself up without a strong message. I mean they all have guns outside work..They are never really outside work. They can make goody mistake. Cyber truck never had been tested intensively for dangerous inflammable material moving.
Proof of concept as land drones (autopilot)? Let send these to Ukraine where UAF would be able to make good use of them against russian strategic assets in urban settings ;-P Although the design would attract to much attention :)
You can dislike Elon or Trump, but a terrorist act is no laughing matter. And in case you didn’t notice, the Cybertruck helped prevent major destruction thanks to its strengthened bed, which reduced the power of the explosion.
Overheating in one cell can trigger a chain reaction, leading to a rapid and uncontrollable temperature rise (called 'thermal runaway'), potentially causing explosions or fires.
Funny, it's only Tesla, who seems to have this problem.
Who said only in Tesla? My statement on thermal runaway qas to lithium batteries. And yes, Tesla have had lithium fires caused by their batteries. Why ask Elon he'll come up with a conspiracy theory, as he's an expert theorist.
This is sad that we as a society have gotten to the point where in my opinion, a sad few think Violence is a good way to make some point. These recent incidents do not make any of us better people. We need to look out for each other more than ever.
This is poetically symbolic.
A foreshadowing of whats to come
I hope the Americans can take back their country from the oligarchs/plutocrats and that democracy will live on.
It sounded like a commercial....
Did Elon Musk try to assassinate a Cyber Truck for support for Tesla like it happened for Trump? I believe he did just before poor sales information was released.
The mistake is human... and yeah the guy's head can have hole in his head after the explosion without shooting himself... Just by propulsion of extra metal pieces.
All these guys have hard live and hard work!
One wrong electron!
Universe: "So you all want to be led by these two jackasses? Well, let me start the year with a little #foreshadowing."
Funny, it's only Tesla, who seems to have this problem.
& the bonus is
Fico 😭
Orban 😭
Transnistria 😭
3 birds one stone 🤘🇺🇦