Is there anyone who follows me that knows an immigration lawyer who can assist me with the process to obtain Dutch citizenship?
My father is a Dutch citizen with a current and valid passport. I am happy to pay any necessary fees and wait the appropriate amount of time to obtain citizenship.
My father is a Dutch citizen with a current and valid passport. I am happy to pay any necessary fees and wait the appropriate amount of time to obtain citizenship.
Ehehehehehe 😂🤣😁🥺💔
I also experienced it in The Netherlands and it's very different. Clear, straight forward, without a lawyer. Our gov. is generally friendly and servicing people.
The Public Information Service +31 70 214 02 14.
I'm no lawyer but I did this process once for someone with succesful naturalisation.
Child born before 1 January 1985
Was the father a Dutch citizen at the time of the child’s birth? In that case the child is also automatically a Dutch citizen by descent. It makes no difference whether the child was born in the Netherlands or abroad.
Jus sanguis, not jus solis.
Jokes aside, the parliamentary system is not ideal but a marked improvement over what the US pretends is government
We'll be proud to have you, sir!
Contacting the Dutch Consulate in e.g. San Francisco will get the ball rolling.
I'm wanna join the same you will pick
could all decide on one platform together(?)
Please let's us know where you all moved.
It's a French company.
Thank goodness I am proud British.
Watch you every single night, Jake don’t despair. I understand your feelings. Good luck. 🤞
Just ask the embassy which form you have to use to apply for the passport because of you dad's passport.
But the Dutch do rank very high on the lists of happiest people on earth. Seventh, I think, after some Nordic countries.
And, having a Dutch passport, Jake could settle anywhere in the EU.
We have our own wannabe trump here but he is no match for you ;-)
Make sure to get informed about house prices and availability.
Apples and oranges, but for my sister to acknowledge citizenship in the UK through our mum it was as simple as proving our mum's citizenship, and then showing a copy of her birth certificate. I think she then had to prove residency with a phone bill afterwards.
Here is an online source:
Paying big money can sometimes be the cheapest way to go. If only for the letterhead.
He he yeah yeah, you're very welcome here in NL Jake.
We use to joke in NL that if the dumbest dutch person moves to Belgium, that then the average IQ of both countries will increase XD. In your case: US avg iq will go down, NL avg iq up
we'll take smarty peeps , good peeps etc...
Gain residence while you are there studying. Say that to your lawyer and see how it lands ✈️
Why Dutchland? Maybe consider Portugal.
More and more pro-EU and pro-Ukraine US vloggers are having a hard time on US platforms. Can Blue help them through EU hosted platforms so they can build their own channels as free entrepreneurial ad-funded platforms? Can we start such a discussion with Blue?
Message me if you want
Some pointers
1. Hard language but great if you consider it's going back to your roots (hope your not Frisian 😉);
2. Housingprizing is crazy and you won't be able to get property (area) anywhere near what you are used to.
But wondering if you'll be allowed considering your military experience.
through decent if a parent is Dutch
Good luck Bratan
A small list of YouTube channels of Americans living in and vlogging about their life in The Netherlands:
- David Wen
- buncharted
- Jordan Green
- Dutch Americano
- Boomdoze
- Itz SKY
Another interesting channel is: Not Just Bikes
It might be interesting for you too.
Considering the government has been taken over by racist kleptocrat dictators, who suppress several basic human rights and align with other dictatorships, it should be warranted.
PS: welcome to Europe!
My mother is Dutch
and looked into this so I have helpful information.
My dad is a Jew born in Vienna and I DID obtain Austrian citizenship (& I have Israeli citizenship).
I hope everything will work out for you.
I have been watching your videos about Ukraine for years, they are very important to many people.
You're Welcome.
Just focus exclusively on good pronunciation at the start, it should be fine.
In public: It is not uncommon in a restaurant or pub to have a waitor only able to speak english.
Also consider
You're probably at like 41%
Not gonna lie, I've been preparing for this as well. I even got my passport 5 days after the "election" (4M+ votes were blocked)
If the logic is to distance from mango, you're gonna be getting closer to RU lol
Mad respect 4 U
Fuck they are they are dumb.
Did we both miss them?
Yes dumb seems to be an apt word for them!®i_id=275251107&segment_id=192749&user_id=2c089eaa3e0fbe7f8a9987c75c35871e
You would be more than welcome though.
Good luck Jake.
Good Luck, and let us know your decision.
As a Dutch living in Denmark I still have some contacts in the Netherlands.
Maybe it will help if you can increase witch area you are looking for(?)
Who would have ever thought?
Good luck and Godspeed!
And welcome to Europe.
why not try to organise and "plot revenge"
before they beat you into a gulag?
Just imagine sanctioned Ivan who left Russia, for the exact same reason … and now USA is the same.
What a shame.
I wish you the best Jake, your videos are the best in a very dark time, thank you.
Welcome to Europe.
WTF has happened to America over the last 8 weeks?
Land of the free no more. Speaking as a British observer.
As soon as they get annoyed they will try to de-platform you.
And google is gonna bend the knee.
You and all scientists, engineers, doctors etc. are most welcome in Europe ❤️. The brain drain is starting.
I'm sorry it has come to this.
But I think it is a smart move. He is very vocal in his distaste for comrade krump, I don't think it will be long before people like him will find themselves in bogus prosecutions.
You're always welcome in Denmark and I hope you succeed in getting a citizenship in the Netherlands. 😊
Good luck!!👍👍👍
I will be glad to have you as a “landgenoot!”
I hope you can...
It says that it should be relatively easy because your father is still Dutch, could you ask the Consulate?
Hope to see you soon.
Tot Gauw!
Check Dutch gov. Site.
In Dutch or English:
Succes with this and keep up your important tubes
Tom, Dutch guy living in France
Most things are a bit different: (working) culture, food, sports and urban planning (please watch Not Just Bikes).
If he wasn't a Dutch citizen when you were born then you're going to need to naturalize via residence in a Netherlands territory, I think.
What's to like?
If my political views differed I'd go to. Not worth hanging around.
This is not about personalities, per se. As I said, your election system is corrupt to the core from the gerrymandering to the "lobbying" (aka legalised corruption).
I'm not saying this is true of Americans, but it matters not if your country is on the path to totalitarianism.
I specifically mentioned Federal level, BTW. I know nothing of local.
Some smart people are already petitioning their representatives in various parliaments to initiate "Operation Reverse Paperclip" or "Operation Braindrain", to evacuate highly qualified personnel from the US to Europe. Might be your nuclear golden ticket.
Is Canada in those talks as well?