Here is the March Q&A video! Lots of questions this month about how is it possible Trump can turn America into a dictatorship and nobody is stopping him.
It's all up to protest ( I.e. AOC & Bernie) the judicial branch and last but least #NAFO.USA 😳🦊
This will be one for the history books 📚 no matter how it turns out...
This is the same Saudi Arabia who enticed one of their citizens into one of their embassies where they tortured him then cut him up into small pieces.
Honest Broker my ass ffs
This is the reason trump can do what he does in the US..
Thanks Trump.
But dictators give the false hope that they can help you at anything!
But you can loss self-confidence and a dictator will tell you what you might need to hear to push yourself to help him (always talking about you!) (while acting in his favour)
No one. He's not worth it. Especially when you consider that the gluttonous bastard could be dead tomorrow during a twitter rage post.
Trump is the executive power. He rules by decree and thus disconnects the legislative power.
Many decrees have been ruled illegal, but who is to enforce the verdict when the violator has, in his own interpretation, full immunity. Ultimately, it is not even certain that these decrees are illegal.
The Supreme Court interprets the Constitution and they have previously shown themselves willing to issue rulings that for everyone other than themselves do not make legal sense.
The circle is complete and all we need is the coronation ceremony. I expect it will replace the midterm elections.