The convicted felon pardons only criminals. His support from law enforcement is going downhill. Thieves and crooks go to jail, not to the White House. More importantly, America is now in full control by Russia!
Lets have the death penalty for anyone who launders money for Russia (Kraznov!)
Lets have the death penalty for anyone who rapes a child (Kraznov and his friends Epstein and Ghislaine)
Oh, so I guess that means death penalty for Trump. I mean the riot he incited killed a police officer and caused the deaths of three more. Sounds like Trump is volunteering himself.
He has the least common sense of any president ever and nothing to do with your comment but he knows absolutely nothing about the history of our country or the laws. He is so unfit to be in control of our government.
You are not alone! I yelled so loud I scared the hell out of my dog. I kept saying are you fucking kidding me his speech was almost exactly the same as all his other speeches. It’s like he has a recorder in his brain and can only spew certain things
History shows that tyrants will murder their own citizens to pin it on their opposition in order to justify imposing martial law. Cops at anti-Trump protests better watch their backs in case one of their own has turned Judas.
Abd that makes him guilty himself since he started and supervised the coup/insurrection.. He needs to be nailed via 28th amendment, Section 3.. Dammit quit pussy footing around.
Because he is going to weaponize them against the public. Some of us will find a life for a life to be an even trade, if need be, especially those of us who will suffer the most under this system.
So by that logic, the current occupant of the white house ( the insurrectionist traitor) should receive the death penalty, given the blood of All officers here and passed on are on ITs hands as of result of the insurrection on January 6th, 2021.
What we need to recognize is there are 2 sets of rules. 1 set for people the fascists don't like - harsh punishment, and the second set is really a misnomer, because it's just "the fascists will do whatever they want and face no consequences."
He can’t make up his mind! He blatantly lied. Does he not realize we do not believe him but pity him. He does not realize how ignorant and weak he looks have Elon stealing the show.
Then he should have all the rioters he released from prison; rearrested?! Stands to reason, yes?! Definitely 💯 He’s a joke, and I used to say this all the time on that other place; The party of “DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO!” GFY you SOB!!!
If you insert the word “white” in front of anything that he loves or thinks is beautiful, it starts to make more sense. Beautiful [white] girl, brave [white] police officers. “Rich”works,too. Taxcuts for [rich] Americans.
That is not nice to say about Vance’s family. And an awful thing to say about Barron. And trumps mother growing up did not eat a lot of sheeps brains before she took the boat over here to clean toilets.
It’s part of an old conservative plan to make all armed forces- civilian and military- feel entitled to a different tier of rights, protections and privileges than regular citizens: in other words a cast, so that it will side with them should things get violent. Just a hunch.
Agreed. Making them feel entitled to belong to a privileged elite doesn’t mean they actually do. But it can work… it has happened before that what soldiers were told going into war wasn’t the same they heard once back. Hell, it’s happening now.
This is part of the plan to oppress any opposition. Police can do whatever they want to you and if you defend yourself you will be executed. Next they’ll do away with due process.
Me too. Technically, this implicates “President” Convicted Felon” who incited the 1/6 violence. But it’s likely the MAGA cult did not connect those dots. Critical thinking is not their forte.
The Trump-rules are his alone to use, randomly, and with bias. They don’t apply to his loyalist puppets, only to his enemies. This has many names. None of them are good.
I know what 1 side of my sign for my protest is going to say on it
MAGA SAYS BEATING COPS IS PATRIOTIC.. let's show them how much we love our country! ..really get in there and show them how much we love it enjoy the moment explore our patriotic/violent side
When is the final straw to stop Trump. Is it after you are forced to put on a military uniform and crawling in a trench on a front line waiting for the order from Trump to be a meat wave fighting against neighbors.
Aye well what do you expect, him and musk are just overgrown children, frankly considering it’s been proven there was Russian interference in the election it should be recalled! This is how democracy collapses
He is a perpetual bag of never ending shit! And he will forever be remembered as a traitor to America. The story of Benedict Arnold will be pointless to mention now that we are experiencing the worst traitor in the Nation's history!
Is there a word that means that you are so enamored with yourself that you really don’t see hypocrisy in the very words you utter or you are so ignorant you don’t care which is it? Anyone got some new words for the 🍖 sack of toxic goo in the suit?
He pardoned criminals that he said deserved the death penalty. He sent them. So he said that he deserves the death penalty. He definitely deserves the death penalty for treason.
Why are we still amazed about what Trump does or say?
Look at it like this: Trump is a dictator (or at least a wannabe dictator), Putin and Kim and Xi are his role models. His behavior is logical from a dictator point of view.
Oh and by the way
Unless the cross state lines it is a state crime not federal and he can only dictate fedrall law
But if you REALY wana execute a criminal then take em to Texas
They got a death row fast lane
That's some shit, ain't it? Same twisted fuck defending those who stormed on J6 and now feels compelled to make amends with the dead? Sure sounds like he may have a bone to pick with grim reaper later, guilty conscience? Never...
Even if you support the death penalty, its use should not be determined by the victim’s job.
Lets have the death penalty for anyone who rapes a child (Kraznov and his friends Epstein and Ghislaine)
The rational action is that when you plan to act, plan to include response to authoritarian thugs.
Bluesky is the most insulated, fact free echo chamber in existence.
Absolutely pathetic. I award you zero points and May jebus have mercy on your soul.
You can't trust a two faced liar.
Personally, I'd pick Death By Meat-Ants.
My Aussie pals will understand.
Police officers have turned away from Trump in large numbers - Trump think’s this stupid comment will appease the masses -
He is the father of lies.
Crayfish- as they have sh*t for brains.
Uh…yes! Yes ma’am. According to my file he does appear to be the perp in question.
MAGA SAYS BEATING COPS IS PATRIOTIC.. let's show them how much we love our country! ..really get in there and show them how much we love it enjoy the moment explore our patriotic/violent side
#MAGAtville Disinformation USA, An alternate reality,
Designed and directed by an orange faced rapist, tRump.
Produced by the richest nazi on the planet, Musk,
Partnered with the little terrorist, Putin.
Coming to a town hall near you.
Just sayin'
Trump followers are stupid
Benedict Trump, you outdo yourself.
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
F*ck musk!
Look at it like this: Trump is a dictator (or at least a wannabe dictator), Putin and Kim and Xi are his role models. His behavior is logical from a dictator point of view.
Consciousness of guilt.
Unless the cross state lines it is a state crime not federal and he can only dictate fedrall law
But if you REALY wana execute a criminal then take em to Texas
They got a death row fast lane
Fucking unbelievable