The only reason the nazi kid resigned is so Musk could make a big show out of hiring him back. He's creeping closer and closer to openly saying such things himself, and that's the goal. He is a eugenicist white nationalist who thinks he should be our absolute monarch, and he wants to say so openly.
up your retirement fund and tell them to divest from Tesla.
It's "disgusting and cruel" to call out an open racist?
This is the next step beyond calling someone "racist" for calling out racism.
I also think what’s driving him is even more sinister. He believes the U.S. destroyed his home country when we worked to end Apartheid (albeit, we were latecomers to the effort, but represented the final nail in the coffin) and he is hellbent destroying us in return.
but he won’t stop there.
Musk is pulling out the calipers for an 900-page reddit argument about The Bell Curve under a screen name ending in 1488.
And then everyone else nods sagely and agrees that of course THAT's the problem, not the actual racism part.
It’s the only thing that restrains him in the least
Not a coincidence Mar-a-Lago was Marjorie Post's.
He’s been trying to social climb ever since his dad paid someone to take his first test in school
There’s something about that old-money New York society that people like Trump kill themselves over
Because of course he was never going to be one of them.
He’s tacky and a boor, and he always has been and always will be
The one thing you can count on over everything else is Trump's narcissism. It eats everything else.
He's petty and conniving, but his Achilles' heel is huge and open for all to see
That's why 'weird' worked and Dems would be (and will be) foolish not to take that lesson
Musk has well-worn copies of the Turner Diaries, Camp of the Saints, and Mein Kampf filled with manic notes scribbled in the margins.
Also drugs are a helluva drug.
Now I see Musk is worse.
But both are traitors.