Stay away from cable news. This is one of the key ways of maintaining a happy life. I know it's tempting to put MSNBC or CNN on in the background but this should be resisted at all costs.
It's like the drop drip drip of water torture. Mix in repetition, hyperbole and frankly clueless talking heads and it's essentially a public MH emergency.
Didn't have broadband til 2014 (IU shut down their dialup pool & my adult kids were both home). Cable news makes me twitchy & angry.
WFIU1 is super old school classical music, deeply nerdy stuff. Good for your blood pressure.
ISTG I nearly threw a shoe at the hotel room TV watching CNN cover the first 3 hours after the plane crash in South Korea. Absolutely shameless guessing out of an ignorant stringer reporter's ass.
Feels like these next 4 years will require unknown levels of fortitude
I don’t know if I’m up for it tbh
WFIU1 is super old school classical music, deeply nerdy stuff. Good for your blood pressure.