"The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy." -Elon Musk
Go fuck yourself, you sanctimonious crying prick
Go fuck yourself, you sanctimonious crying prick
Very hard to empathise with a burning car.
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Yeah, I wish!
Libertarians are even worse than open Nazis. They want genocide of "useless eaters" but they want to be able to pretend to there's no blood on their hands.
We can make him cry more.
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“I've only done productive things.” 😐
“A marked lack of empathy is one of the hallmarks of psychopathy. Psychopaths do not have the same capacity for human feeling as the rest of us…”
If a liberal did this they'd all point and laugh, because feelings are only real when they feel them
The dude is a ghoul. SO repugnant.
His ego is so big he has to invent a conspiracy (“larger forces”). And the fake crying when asked how his companies are doing. Or “humanity’s only hope for survival is going to Mars.”
All we can hope for is a psychotic break.
John Locke described these people as "lions" in human civilizations