There is only 193 million acres of national forest in the US — if he clear cut 280 mil acres, it is the land equivalent of California AND Texas combined… basically all of it, plus a lot more that does exist. The EO doesn’t specify acres. … it’s a sucky EO, but not as bad as this meme claims.
Agreed! I’ve spent my entire career in sustainability and education around conservation. His EO is not good. He’s a fucktwat. However, the meme claims false info. 280 mil acres— Texas and California combined. The 2nd and 3rd largest states. More than all the trees IN National forests.
what is Trumps side of the deal if he’s willing to destroy our government, our economy, our status as the leader of the free world and feed us to the Russians. I’d like to know what people think….because I can’t think of that much evil.
It does. I can’t sleep. All I think about is who can save us? What a horrible place this may be for my grandkids to grow up in. Will I have anything to live on at retirement? I’m doom-dwelling, but all of this is happening so fast. I hope something big will stop the insanity cycle in our country!
For the lumber Canada will no longer provide. To build homes, hotels, motels, whatever, it takes lumber. Canada has the land and the program to grow timber for that lumber, but the fat rapist has destroyed that relationship. He will now try to rape our timber bearing forests.
Trump wants to prove to Canada that he doesn't need their timber, & Musk wants the minerals below the forest for his ventures.
They don't care about anyone or anything, except themselves & Putin.
Hillary was right about everything.
Tom Schultz, previously a vice-president of Idaho Forest Group, which sells wood, will be the next Forest Service chief, overseeing the management of 154 national forests and 193m acres of land, an area roughly the size of Texas.
From an outsider looking in it seems to me that he is deliberately trying to anger the entire population so violence breaks out and he can declare martial law. No more elections or having to waste time with congress to pass laws. The new king will rule with an army led by his loyal sycophants.
Won't happen... there is no place to sell that much lumber... We do import wood.. about 1/2 specialty wood Bamboo, South american hard woods.. the US National forests are mainly soft wood.. since The Canadians can't sell in the US ( Tariffs) they'll sell overseas. and that wood will have no market
Trees take up a lot of water, they greatly help lessen the effects of heavy rains.
With the trees gone, flooding is far more likely, and so is massive erosion.
I grew up in the Tennessee valley. There was a film i saw showing what the erosian caused by rain because of the poor farming practices. Improved farming practices resulted from TVA's work in addition to flood control and improved navigation from the dams.
This may actually what takes him down.. he doesn't realize these are the things that makes America great... not golf courses and big tacky hotels filled with Russians and bimbos
Obviously you don’t know Seniors who put $ into it all their lives and won’t be able to eat or pay rent next month because of what they say might get delayed. Why shouldn’t we have it all since we’ve help to create these protections & he & GOP are taking them away.
I don’t have circles. I’ve just witnessed many a tree protest- for random trees on the street. Now we’re taking the National Forests? I’m sure that won’t stand.
From being clearly a Russian asset for Putin, to destroying American society and governmental institutions, I just don't understand why a Junta govt isn't formed to detain, arrest and jail Trump immediately. People not getting their SSA payments will result in mass homelessness and death. Junta asap
It's not only about oxygen. Forests are natural carbon sinks. And last year, because of the heat, plants absorbed almost no co2 which we produce with every breath. And if it keeps accumulating, the global warming will happen EVEN FASTER.
Please, someone tell me this is not true. Does this idiot not realize the damage that it would be done to ecosystem and economy. Someone needs to educate him on the dust bowls.
Most of the fired employees are going to be judged to be illegally fired and we will be paying millions in retro salary, legal fees and the loss of employees.
Global logging companies have long term buying process for timber,
Press is his. u need to find out where and block them google this shit and be tree guardians, from the past he is putting ur social security number in his file.
I was privileged to grow up in the 70s and 80s with Canadian media shown on PBS and premium TV services in the States. I LOVED IT! What GREAT music in The Raccoons, too!
I think I'm the only American who knows who Billy Van was!
I'm sorry about how my country is treating yours right now. 💔
I love that you got to watch the Raccoons! They were one of my favourites as well! MPBN (Maine public broadcasting) was one of the 3 channels we had as a kid.
Deep down, we’re rooting for our US neighbours to rise up to this tyranny. Outwardly, we’re going to be an angry bunch.
He can't circumvent the laws that are in place. He can't justify this without having a VALID reason that shows there is somehow a threat to human life. Read this. FIGHT BACK!! He's just trying to get away with whatever he can! If we LET him, if we OBEY IN ADVANCE, then he will. FIGHT!
he has repubs who are invested in the lumber industry, the koch family owns the largest lumber company in the US, in the top 6 internationally, koch family gave $61M to repub campaigns in 2024 & not one cent to a democrat
There is only so long you can do this peacefully I'm afraid. They are ignoring you. This is a coup on the inside & your fellow countrymen have put you in this position. I'm a peaceful person but I don't think you can negotiate with your current regime.
Only force will stop them. They are ignoring the courts. Eliminating one person won't help. There are too many to jump in and replace. But we in the other camp out number them. What will the military do? Be true to their oath?
This HAS to be stopped. There are protections on the species in a lot of the national forests. He has no right to sell off these trees to line his pockets. 💔
Chances there is not the infrastructure to mill it, let alone people to get it out of the woods.
Markets will be saturated, undocumented have been the construction labor for years. If they crash everything no one can afford a new house. Trump=Idiot.
I don't understand this either, although everything he's doing is illegal, to start. But Biden and Obama both sat back and said their hands were tied on so many things. Where are they, btw? Not a peep from Hilary, Kamala, obama, Bush, even? Everybody's cool with this?? 🤔😔
He know tariff’s will gut import of lumber to the US. instead just as he’s an adjudicated rapist, he decides to rape the protected lands in the US. Take the lumber by force.
#mynameisthelorax #ispeakforthetrees the hurt I feel hearing this news is a lead ball in my gut, preventing me from sleeping or relaxing. This is our AIR!!! Our trees!!!!!!! 😭 millions of acres…. We should all be heartbroken hearing this!!!
I think that what has been necessary, for too long, is direct, magical (and responsible) action; mundane, human means are no longer sufficient for the danger & harm. There comes a time for #witches to gather, in the light, and unite energies for a common purpose in history (lest it repeat).✨🌛🌝🌜✨
There’s so many awful things this administration is doing. Right now I know tariffs are getting the attention, but in their shadow NOAA and the National Weather Service are being dismantled. And I love NOAA.
What is something that you love that the federal government does?
It's ILLEGAL. It will not hold up in court. FIGHT BACK. The more we throw up our hands in despair, the more this POS is going to try and pull. Call your Reps, protest. PUSH BACK.
YESSS. 🍊💩 is just trying circumvent our LAWS and our checks and balances. This EO is illegal. We the people HAVE to PUSH BACK, on everything. If we don't, he's never going to stop.
This is test. Some court will issue an injunction and then the real dismantling begins. Reports by industry experts will be submitted and testimony given. But anyone remember that SCOTUS ruling about industry experts? This is only a test.
Not typical for majority of Americans. Just the uneducated ones who genuflect to Trump. The rest of us are livid and want the Orange Jesus out of office
Not typical for me and majority of Americans. It’s the Trump, Musk evil regime along with the Christian Nationalists that have no love for environment or animals. Biden set up protections.
Well if they are “protected” who’s letting him do this?? Just cuz a prez signs an EO doesn’t mean he gets to do everything he wants! Keep suing and fighting everyone!
Hope you can afford to lose your Social Security. Without my $1,100 a month I'll starve. Down to 1 meal a day now. 3 years ago I was able to eat for $4.00 a day. Now the exact same food costs $8.00 a day.
I love our forests too. Spent many years living in them. But please think about what you say.
This is tRump's Scorched Earth Policy. He is punishing any one who disagrees with him. We didn't sweep the forest floors like he told us to, so he's gonna show us! Save us from morons like him who think they know diddly damn about forest management.
I'm wondering if it's because of the tariffs being put on our lumber. A lot of the lumber for the U.S. comes from Canada. The tariffs will make lumber more expensive for Americans. Unfortunately, he is someone who doesn't understand that it isn't a good idea to cut off your nose to spite your face.
This EO, like so many of his is definitely not legal. Call your Reps. Fight back. He's a giant blowhard and he's pushing to see how much he can get away with. KEEP PUSHING BACK. DO NOT OBEY IN ADVANCE.
I hope the kids at Rocky National Park in Estate Park,Colorado tie themselves to the trees because I will of needed. The kids over on TikTok said there was a protest outside all the National Parks on March 1 at noon. I went to the mall and got body slammed by the mall cop instead
Tom Schultz, a timber baron now ruling the Forest Service—like putting a fox in charge of the henhouse & handing it a flamethrower. Trump’s USDA made the call, and now conservationists are foaming at the mouth while the logging industry pops champagne & roasts marshmallows over burning stumps.
And the selling off of Americas natural resources begins … I fucking hate that orange infestation … this is why there is NO god… because why would he punish the entire planet with that fat orange bastard … 🤬
He won’t be happy until he destroys everything beautiful. Even after he lines his pockets by destroying our forests and eco systems he still won’t be happy. He is a heartless and soulless greedy idiot, the damage he does to our country will take years to repair if it can be fixed at all. 😔
He has moved onto raping our forests now too. Will someone stop him before he does it or just say it was illegal after he gets away with it. He's killing the essence of our country and getting away with it.
If he is allowed to do this our planet will take hundreds of years to recover, if ever. I wish every day to hear the news someone will go down in history as the person who clearcut his head from his shoulders. Enough is enough.
This madman is determined to cripple America in as many ways as possible, largely driven by blind, unhinged rage. It’s time to roust him from office and house him in a secure behavioral health or correctional facility for the protection of our nation and its people. Unchecked, he’ll destroy us all.
The temperature rain forests grow back very slowly and without diversity, they probably think the trees comes back to mature in a couple years. Guess they need a lot of toilet paper
Dems better do something to block this!
fucking Krasnov
He has no appreciation for the beauty of our environment and its fragility.
FK dtrumpf… this needs to stop
They don't care about anyone or anything, except themselves & Putin.
Hillary was right about everything.
EVERYTHING Trumpf touches dies.
Win for Donald
With the trees gone, flooding is far more likely, and so is massive erosion.
Like it's his property
Heil trump
Friends of National Parks Alliance should be organising or start your own action. 👍
“Holy Sequoia, Batman! The Trump has clear cut an entire national park!”
No, no, no,, noooo!
Is there a hole for me to get sick in?"
Most of the fired employees are going to be judged to be illegally fired and we will be paying millions in retro salary, legal fees and the loss of employees.
Global logging companies have long term buying process for timber,
👉🏻 This is outlined in PROJECT 2025!
👉🏻 The United States imported 46% of its forest products from Canada in 2024. Looks like Orange Julius Cesar wants to circumvent his own tariffs!
👉🏻 This will involve bypassing endangered species protections and other environmental regulations!
This is a gift of profits to us companies
Making housing more expensive in a dying economy is not their fever dream but the reality of where we are headed
I think I'm the only American who knows who Billy Van was!
I'm sorry about how my country is treating yours right now. 💔
Deep down, we’re rooting for our US neighbours to rise up to this tyranny. Outwardly, we’re going to be an angry bunch.
My maiden name was Burt so this was one of my favourite cartoons as a kid
MAGAT’s it is now a reality and you have yourselves to blame for voting this Putin loving
narcissistic felon into the White House.
Killing Fauna & Flora for Greed & Profit.
Krasnov is really a monster.
Enraged seems mild. There are no words.
Markets will be saturated, undocumented have been the construction labor for years. If they crash everything no one can afford a new house. Trump=Idiot.
What is something that you love that the federal government does?
This is how we save old growth forests in Canada. And it WORKS!
Gorilla warfare in the forests. It’s your turn America. Wake up and protect your future. You can do this. You are brave.
Have you ever heard planting trees, building bridges, ...
Let's get the word out.
I love trees…
What a cluster Fuck!!
I love our forests too. Spent many years living in them. But please think about what you say.
This is, big developers getting land to build, and Dump gets his name on buildings.
Corporate greed finances the destruction of America.
50 states, 50 protest, 1 day
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Diderot
He comes anywhere near our Giant Sequoias in CA and even at 72 y.o. I'm going to figure out a way to block them.
But turns out, I can and do.
So you might just get both.
Plus a bankrupt United States because we signed an executive order today putting US money into crypto.
If we allow complacency.
Pay of the other EO that cuts import of lumber, and enforced domestic lumber/timber production and use....
Oh .. btw- wood is gonna get expensive in a few months. So will construction..
Slowing down housing developments...