Gintama is amazing, its the shonen anime equivalent of yakuza where the one off episodes are over the top goofy substories but the main plot is serious and dramatic. Its a slow burn but the way the story comes together is incredible. One of the most emotional moments in the series is a dick joke
If you want accuracy and accurate pacing, then Kai is your pick. If you want it to last as long as possible, then the OG is your pick. It will keep you busy, but it isn’t as accurate to the script of the original Japanese. Does this include OG Dragon Ball?
The OG Dragon Ball isn't actually bad with pacing. It's actually pretty good from what I remember. It's DBZ that really suffers from bad pacing. It got so bad that the Frieza arc was only adapting 90% of a single chapter per episode. Kai does fix that problem and has better voice acting than the
For those recommending One Piece thank you I appreciate it but I was looking for something meatheaded (non derogatory) and simple. I want people yelling and powering up.
At a certain point when I catch up I might just switch over to watching it because apparently the pacing is also way better. I just can't do early anime OP pacing that shit is too much
Hear me out. Not dragon ball. One Piece. For all the peak fiction you've hit me with over the years of knowing you. I started after Live Action aired on Netflix last year and One Piece is the G.O.A.T. -
I've been rewatching dbza because that was a big nostalgia thing as a teen and it makes me want to actually give the series a proper shot. Didn't think of the manga though, that could be fun 🤔
Plus then you can watch Kai!
Kai uses a new score but it's the same in JP, and it's all bangers.
Also I'm a OP Manga guy and need to catch up
Not really meatheaded, but it's simple and episodic until it starts building arcs later in the show
Also Crunchyroll's subs are old and use some terms that you wouldn't use nowadays but it comes up very rarely
The anime has been pretty fire lately though. Would recommend Wano and beyond if you ever feel up to it.
Modern One Piece can feel a little drawn out too at times but the animation and direction is leagues better alongside the overall pacing.