I have a book titled "sho0t the women first" that the entire premise is that we are the most dangerous in any extreme. It's a beautiful and horrifying book.
Typical bloodthirsty agitators mocking the genuine terror of the world's police. I hope all you She-Dogs are proud of yourselves. Not only have you terrified poor, innocent old-timey police the world over, you have also outstripped your red brothers. For shame.
All the way back to the women who dragged the King and Crown Prince to Paris in 1789, & later spent their afternoons knitting while enjoying the way the guillotine worked its justice, cheering on every dropping head.
I remember going through some English-language newspapers published in Japan in the 1870s and 1880s and seeing semi-regular short articles about suffragists. They were referred to as the "screaming sisters."