The only recorded occasion of weasel related pop noises involved multiple visits to the Eagle ( pub in the East end of London), and about 200g each of tuppeny rice and treacle. This one incident has skewed pubic perception considerably.
Yeah—the sound of him screaming was more like a gunshot, really. Phyllis the rhino in HR freaked when she heard it and ran into a wall. Speaking of which, you may want to repair that before all those infected bats on the other side of the enclosure get out.
I suspect you aren't inflating them enough. Anyway, they should be under warranty, so take 'em back and get working weasels.
On this topic, what's the difference between a stoat and a weasel?
You can weaselly tell, because they're stoatally different.
On this topic, what's the difference between a stoat and a weasel?
You can weaselly tell, because they're stoatally different.
I'm a terrible person for laughing & I don't care.
We take all responses seriously and thank *SCREECHING BIRD NOISES*