tamino did calculate a significant warming acceleration for the most recent 10 ys. Hausfather and Dessler stick to the simulations and say: this is still within simulation bandwith, no discrepancy here.
what do you think? something to worry about acceleration, or just some wiggle?
The model mean is strongly dependent on which models you take and which not. But generally this looks good.
Taminos graph: https://tamino.wordpress.com/2024/12/07/too-hot/
which is supported by CERES data about significantly increased net absorption recently.
I personally do not deny any humanity impacts upon many of Earth systems. What purpose does detonating a nuclear device, in the upper atmosphere, serve. Other than “for science, let’s test”
In other words, out of the norm...yes it's been warming slightly over the years since recording, however the amount of increase in such a short time span (as you can clearly see from the graph) is significantly large...and not normal...
We’ve been a failed experiment for a while now. I just wish I could see what will come after us… giant cockroaches, sentient spiderwebs, amiable anglerfish…. Anything’s an improvement.
We can't. We are dependent on fossil fuels for our grey lives. If we stopped burning fossil fuels for tractors, food transportation, steel, cement manufacturing, natural gas to make fertilizer...billions would die within months. I can't see a way out.
its the earths cycle of healing.
Kryon, a spiritual channel, ( of course wtf would believe such a thing) said in 2030 an ice age would begin but said developments in power generation (local or block generators v grid) and the pre knowledge of the event should greatly assist in mitigation
It’s wild how many people UNDERSTAND that this earth is rapidly warming up and see how their life are being affected YET they don’t care as much. Especially these “leaders” who don’t care about anything but their bottom line. Embarrassing people.
It’s been awfully chilly. I’ve been wearing a coat. There’s no way temperatures are rising. I’m too simple to understand how everything outside of my little world works so I just shout what Faux News tells me to shout because thinking for myself is too hard.
Is it Cyclical? Long term data? (maybe just a couple hundred years at best) I'm not sure about the accuracy of even 100 years ago. What I'm saying is YES...something is going on "right now", but there may have been many "right now" times over the last several hundred years. Possibly? Or I'm wrong.
This article is a decent descriptor of the biggest issue we have with climate change, which has happened many times during earth's history - the problem is the rate of change and the ability to adapt!
Temperature records are stored in ice caps, trees, fissile records, … use google
There have been much colder and much warmer periods. There have been periods where the earth was uninhabitable for humans. Problem is the current rate of warming up, that has never happened before.
The last time, today's warming rate in Greenland 0.35C/decade was during deglaciation: 0.33°C/decade. It was so fast it stopped the AMOC. Which also re-froze Scotland and Scandinavia for a while.
But the Earth's orbital cycles drove further warming, AMOC restarted – and our stable Holocene began. 🎉
Lies? All research shows the earth is warming up at an unprecedented rate. Humans make most progress in times of war, political unrest, disease, catastrophes. We should embrace climate change and move society and human life forward.
Good to see this verified graphically. The evidence is all around us. The havoc created by the incoming administration in 2025 may pale in comparison to havoc created by weather and climate events around the globe.
"ClImAtE cHaNgE iS a HoAx" they refuse to even acknowledge it's a real problem. Nah we gotta ban TikTok, they can't have American data for free. They have to buy it from X and Meta after THEY steal it.
Will the US survive #Trump? Will his administration do irreparable damage to tackling #climate change? How many more “natural disasters” and loss of lives before we accept that this is an existential threat to humanity?
I live in an area that was farmland 20 years ago. Now it's covered with houses and roads that reflect the heat back into the atmosphere. I think that's a bigger problem than CO2.
Concerning solar radiation: it depends on whether houses and roads have a higher or lower albedo than the farmland. Which in turn depends on whether roofs and roads are kept bright or dark and on what kind of crop grew on the farmland.
Because the warming from our FF GHG emissions is also offsetting a small natural cooling, and because our aerosol emissions from industry are also offsetting some of our FF GHG emission-driven warming.
What I'm suggesting is with all our knowledge and AI, can't we find a material to coat or mix in with the asphalt, concrete, or roof shingles to absorb some heat. So I can walk barefoot on the parking lot in the sun on a hot, sunny summer day without burning my feet.
Look. If I'm barefoot on a hot, sunny day in the summer, I can't even walk on a parking lot. My feet burn. I run to the grass, or if there is no grass at least to a shady spot on the parking lot. All your "science" won't convince me that this has little impact.
First published reports are about 100 years old. A 1929 newspaper article already explains and warns about the effects of releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.
I watched a Kurzgezat video on this, so I think that automatically makes me an expert. We're making pretty good progress and stuff. The hole in the ozone layer has shrunk substantially and stuff. We're making progress. Still got a long ways to go, but it's not all bad.
The problem is, 1.5 degrees doesn't sound like a lot. Obviously, 1.5 degrees represents a hell of a lot of extra energy in oceans and the air, but most people are oblivious to the consequences beyond "It's getting warmer".
Exactly, climate change is an abstract concept that requires people to do a lot of research, be able to comprehend statistics and graphs, and have an extensive working vocabulary in science. Very few have that.
Very bad news graph. But relieved to see so few denialist comments. I usually scroll responses to things like this in a state of a terror and horror. Maybe I'm listening to an echo-chamber, but you need that sometimes to get some actual thinking done.
When scheduled warming happened in history, an ice age was triggered. Being that we’ve passed the typical “triggering temps” of the past, are we potentially already at the start of a man-made ice age or did we blow that too?
No. Our FF GHG emissions to-date have already canceled the next glacial phase inception. A continuance of BAU emissions through 2100 will cancel the next 5 such.
what do you think? something to worry about acceleration, or just some wiggle?
Taminos graph:
which is supported by CERES data about significantly increased net absorption recently.
I personally do not deny any humanity impacts upon many of Earth systems. What purpose does detonating a nuclear device, in the upper atmosphere, serve. Other than “for science, let’s test”
Kryon, a spiritual channel, ( of course wtf would believe such a thing) said in 2030 an ice age would begin but said developments in power generation (local or block generators v grid) and the pre knowledge of the event should greatly assist in mitigation
Using “warming” is too strong…
Rapid, unscheduled imbalances in radiative forcing*
* I’m not really sure if that makes perfect sense! Feel free to admonish my misunderstanding.
The first is grim.
The second is just a bit funny
We could have had President Gore, but SCOTUS chose darkness.
This article is a decent descriptor of the biggest issue we have with climate change, which has happened many times during earth's history - the problem is the rate of change and the ability to adapt!
There have been much colder and much warmer periods. There have been periods where the earth was uninhabitable for humans. Problem is the current rate of warming up, that has never happened before.
But the Earth's orbital cycles drove further warming, AMOC restarted – and our stable Holocene began. 🎉
(I know- its still warming)
It’s been projected for the last 40 years.
Unbelievable ¡!!!
And the feedback loops are happening. All the fires all over the world are adding more unplanned CO2. Etc….
Meanwhile, our leaders fiddle….