not a bad idea in theory, but a single number would probably be too easy to game, unfortunately. 'when measure becomes a target it ceases to be a good measure', and all that
Probably should find a better mnemonic than "one to three stars" to represent "less to more CO2 emissions" though, since nearly everyone on the planet will automatically think "more stars is better".
Everything made and consumed in German should come with a CO2 score of 0. You have traded nuclear power for coal and produce 20 times more CO2 than your neighbors.
Generally agree everything should have one, and it should include all embedded emissions.
Carbon costs and calorie counts both.
1. Electricity & Heat Production (~40% of global CO₂)
2. Transportation (~20%)
3. Industry & Manufacturing (~20%)
4. Deforestation & Land Use Changes (~10%)
5. Agriculture & Livestock (~8-10%)
6. Residential & Commercial Buildings (~6%)