I can’t wait until their golden idol takes their guns. They don’t mind if his “policies” kill their fellow Americans, but they are obsessed with having every gun & will have no identity without them.
If the military was in the streets gunning down protestors or rounding up citizens to put them in concentration camps and the 2A crowd did nothing, then I'd say yes.
It was always a BS line to try to make themselves look ethical when faced with "kids are dying at school" when really the only goal was ever for people who make guns to be able to sell a shit ton of them. I guess at least now they can't use the BS line anymore.
Also every constitution bro need to just shut up at this point. I think we know by now their high principles was just a lie. All of a sudden constitution had no meaning anymore once their guy (Trump, Musk)could wipe his behind with it.
We need firearms to protect ourselves against them. That's always been the case, there's no reason to pretend that the Americanazis ever speak in good faith.
Great point. We knew a Cub Scout troop of dimly lit gun worshippers weren’t going to stop farting long enough to protect anyone from anything. But maybe when they realized cosplaying tough didn’t do the job, they’ll shut up now. It’s gonna take $ and intelligence, not guns. Duh.
??? Thats exactly why we need/needed it. You should instead be asking liberals why they rid themselves of the tools of resistance. How is this a dunk on anything except liberal America being woefully unprepared to defend their democracy.
You are a proponent of 2A as a "tool of resistance" against authoritarian takeover, do I have that correct? I have been waiting for someone like yourself to advise at which point in the takeover 2A solutions become acceptable, or even mandatory. Are we there yet? What's the tipping point?
And yes, firearms are a tool of resistance. That's why governments limit access to them so they can maintain their control over a population through a monopoly on violence.
No weef, they do not need to remove the guns as they know you won't use them. I think this is the point most of America is making, if you will not use them then the claim to need them as a right is dubious yes. ?
Who says people won't use them? Because it hasn't happened yet? If you think it's time to start using them then why aren't you? Right wing gun owners becoming victims of fascist propaganda is not an argument for gun ownership being unnecessary.
I wouldn't even know which end to hold Weef, i was merely pointing out the logic you seemed to be missing from the posts you had responded to. I don't think we should have guns they are dangerous.
I'm just a guy watching a fascist coup unfold. It's not up to me to determine any of that. I have my opinions but it seems like the rest of our society doesn't believe it's time for active resistance or agrees with what's happening. Violent action without wide public support is counter productive.
Oh dear, you haven’t been to a gun range recently, have you? Those aren’t maga in target practice, sweetie, those are libs who’ve known better for a while now.
Don't patronize me, it's a pathetic look. I'm sure I spend more time at ranges than you and I do not see a large demographic shift at either public or private ranges.
I have a gun range in my back yard and I see otherwise. Twenty years of watching the demographics shift. Maybe you’re the one living in a bubble, sweetie.
I'm sure your back yard is very representative of your wider community. Again, being patronizing to make yourself appear more authoritative is a very pathetic manipulation tactic.
Liberals do own guns and are actively resisting. Are you saying suddenly Liberal/Leftist/Anti-Facist Americans have to defend Maga from their own mistakes with force? Sounds like the only ones who truly believe in 2A are the left. The right just used it as an excuse to sell guns and coax civil war.
I'm not sure what you think you're saying here. If you're insinuating that liberal Americans own and train with firearms at any meaningful number you're flat out wrong. It also sounds like you're saying we should let a fascist coup happen because it's what people deserve for being ignorant?
You mean the facist coup that the left has been warning about for around a year and has been protesting, right? Are you hoping for a J6 type resistance display? Is that why you don't think the left has firearms because they haven't done that?
I'm saying they dont own and train with firearms because statistically they dont own or train with firearms in meaningful numbers. Most liberal gun ownership consists of people with a pistol or shotgun for home defense that they rarely touch.
What the left seems to lack isn't guns, so much, but militia. At least I've never heard of a proud boys, oath keepers type group on the left. I thought Antifa might be such a group, but I learned here that it's not a group at all. Armed individuals without leadership and structure aren't effective.
Sounds like some solid stats there. If you feel like forming a group to fight the facist coup, do it. Especially if you have friends of the "meaningfully armed" persuasion. All hands on deck...
Americans now act like they never heard of it.
Tyranny is here, what are you waiting for? my guess is the tyranny happens to be 'the right' colour
However, when this goes full authoritarian, fighting is the only way to take it back.