I’m still here, but our junior senator from Alaska, who swore essentially the same oath as a USMC officer that I took when I became a Peace Corps Volunteer, seems to be MIA. So… good question!
When asked about why there are no cohesive protests, an American colleague said that there won’t be any. They said Americans are too passive and will just watch TV.
Not gonna lie seems like college students had more love for Palestine than their own country... If they ever want to get from under the shackles of student loans and maybe not work until they die I think this is worth fighting for
I'm a 20 year US veteran who left the Democratic party in early '24 when Pelosi & Schumer called me a foreign asset for protesting the Palestinian genocide, the one they aided & abetted. Seeing
those thousands of dead children changed me. I no longer believe American democracy is a beacon of good.
You're not wrong. I just fear now we have a state that will be complicit in way more genocides and way more actions of terror against its own citizens and around the globe under this regime. Definitely have been tired of the "lessor of two evils" on the ballot year after year.
Other democracies all over the world, it's standard for more than two parties to win seats in government. Its not to the USAs benefit to ping pong back and forth between just two parties, have the courage to vote for alternative parties even if they don't win seats it sends a message to the duopoly
I agree and think for this to happen we have to limit money in politics and formally solidify our government as a 3 or 5 party system. This could be something Dems promote in a "Project 2026" to get more voters to show they truly care about democracy because their brand is seriously tarnished.
When you look back in history, that's been our status quo. It's nothing new, it's just we were fucking lied to our whole lives about how exceptional America is, then we're were forced to pledge allegiance to the flag. 1/2
My generation fought bullshit illegal wars based on lies that only made rich men richer. The generation before me fought Vietnam for the same reasons. 2x medal of Honor recipient Brigadier General Smedley Butler wrote "War is a Racket" in 1935. This isn't new. We are the monster.
How do we go about arresting a president for treason? He already caused a bloody insurrection where deaths and injuries occurred. Now he’s siding with our adversary war criminal Putin. South a Korea handled it swiftly! We need to!
They may be serving their nation the best way they can and despite the chaos. They also may be living paycheck to paycheck as public servants and afraid to speak up because of the risk of financial ruin.
those thousands of dead children changed me. I no longer believe American democracy is a beacon of good.