I think people don't understand that the measles can be deadly simply because we haven't seen deaths from measles in a long, long time. Guessing the vaccine rate ticks up now.
This is horrible. I get folks being leery of newer vaccines like COVID-19. But please, MMR has been around for decades, and stories of it causing autism are pure unadulterated BS!!!
And a child that flew into LAX has the measles so expect to see cases in CA now. Luckily vaccination rates in CA are higher, but people on that plane might have been just doing a layover, so who knows where else it may be now in the US. I’m hoping the people on the plane were all vaccinated. 🤞
But it's not just the ignorant who suffer. Some kids can't get vaccinated due to immune system issues,and some vaccinated kids get sick anyway. The antivaxxers are putting other people's kids at risk, and that's unacceptable.
Does he even know what he is talking about!? Honest question. It did sound like it, of you can make something of the bizarre noises coming out of his mouth.
An N95 mask will help prevent infection but please talk to your doctor asap about whether to vaccinate. Your healthcare system is being run by lunatics. Good luck.
How about someone with Covid go sit next to Krasnov Trump for 5 mins. Then let’s see his 78 year old sack of shit for a body fight that off without any medical attention.
Our esteemed HHS Secretary, FOUNDER of the activist, anti-vaccine organization, Children's Health Defense, has spent YEARS on anti-vaccine misinformation campaigns. But he was the best man for the job! 🙄
Lies KILL!
And the GOP is trying to Excel at lying!
We need to find a way to counter the lies; and I will remind you, facts don't matter much to the right - tall they need are accusations!
THAT is what we need to counter!
And Kennedy misspoke when he said most of the hospitalizations were for quarantine. The hospital only admits truly ill ppl; ppl admitted with measles would be in a special isolation, but they are there due to their illness.
Hmm. I guess now they "believe" vaccines do "work". Why did they "believe" otherwise before? To own the libs?
I don’t! They lie to cover up the lies!
But I get your point👍
Who's up for a round?
Let the ignorant suffer greatly the loss of the innocent.
Should adults get re-vaxxed?
And the GOP is trying to Excel at lying!
We need to find a way to counter the lies; and I will remind you, facts don't matter much to the right - tall they need are accusations!
THAT is what we need to counter!