That acronym sure sounds impartial and authoritative. Wonder if there were any important people or families whose names started with a K who might have been really invested in convincing people that their horrific privately managed healthcare was actually fine and everybody liked it.
If I saw a survey where most Americans said they were satisified with American public tranportation even though they dont use said transportation and those surveyed that actually use public transportation universally hate it, I'm going to give no weight to the non-users and all weight to the users.
do you just not know anybody IRL? is that what's going on here, that you don't really interact with anyone and you're making it everyones' problem but yours?
i am being dead serious here: of everyone you know, most of them have had a major medical incident in their past, and 100% of them will have at least one bad one in the future.
the reaction isn't the bsky hive mind, its people who know people knowing we all have a stake in this particular.
The original point was that people aren’t all lining up for a big change to fix our healthcare system, because most voters actually like our broken healthcare system.
The fact that sick people don’t like it doesn’t change this, because healthy people vote too
I haven't met anyone who isn't at least like "yeah I get it." The only people going to bat for that ghoul and insufferable pundits. Most Americans know someone the healthcare system has failed or screwed over
that's a stupid point to make. someone who doesn't have to think about their insurance they get thru their employer marking 'generally satisfied' on a survery because they never or rarely have to use their insurance doesn't imply opposition to a better system
The ACA was very unpopular until it had already been in place for several years, and the main attack against it was people saying that it would take away your current health insurance.
Same argument is very common and successful against things like Medicare for All.
all this says to me is people are afraid of losing access to any form of healthcare they can get in this country. it doesn't indicate satisfaction with the current system
But when push comes to shove, most people will generally prefer to have their existing okay plan than roll the dice on something that could make it worse, as evidenced by the 2010 ACA rollout.
People who like their health insurance *also* think healthcare should be more affordable (not to mention think the CEO got what he deserved). The problem you have here is the assumption that people who are doing well inherently are against helping those who are not.
Who did this survey even ask? Is there data on their income and more importantly state? In most southern states the ACA has made it so you 12k you pay $300 a month minimum thanks to Trump’s revisions. And the minimum wage is 7.25 in most of those states. So if you get sick once you’re screwed.
As compared to if you live in California, New York, Illinois, or Massachusetts. We don’t even have state Medicare here unless you’re actively pregnant, over 65, or on the record disabled and that’s near impossible to get on even if you’re dealing with something obvious like being an amputee.
Also most Americans don't have anything else to compare it to lol. We don't really know what Universal Healthcare would be like or that what we do now sucks as much as it does. We all know it sucks but many don't realize how bad it is.
I think they also don't know the alternative. "Do you like your health insurance?" translates to "You have Anthem, would you rather have Highmark?" rather than "Does your health insurance actually keep you healthy? Does it affect your life negatively through costs?"
Like it really is the equivalent of "Are you happy with your phone service?" Like no motherfucker but I don't wanna have a 30 minute conversation about some even worse plan with you
There's also a high likelihood that a lot of the people rating it somewhat favorably are doing that in comparison to something way worse they had before.
you weren't supposed to leave that second sentence in the screenshot.
Then AI denies them cancer care and now they're just gonna die, cuz a daddy needs a new yacht
The entire point of health insurance is to help you if you’re sick, and it’s miserably failing at doing that.
the reaction isn't the bsky hive mind, its people who know people knowing we all have a stake in this particular.
The fact that sick people don’t like it doesn’t change this, because healthy people vote too,after%20steadily%20eroding%20each%20year.
Same argument is very common and successful against things like Medicare for All.