another player rolled her loose-cannon pyromancer partner in investigation named 'McGannon'
we were deadset on turning the campaign into a buddy cop movie one way or another
at least once a session I would slam my fist on the table and yell at him "GODAMNIT McGannon, that is NOT protocol!"
we were deadset on turning the campaign into a buddy cop movie one way or another
at least once a session I would slam my fist on the table and yell at him "GODAMNIT McGannon, that is NOT protocol!"
“A fireball in the town market…Skytower! McGannon! Turn in yer wand and yer familiars now! The Arcane PD can’t let ya loose!”
not particularly well, but they had the spirit
But Astrid knows the grim necessity of her work - solving a crime is a matter of seeing the things from perspectives that others are too afraid to