It's a personal preference, but I always feel like a fantasy setting is stronger on its own than with some dipshit from earth here to disrupt it or kill a bit of the escape potential by reminding you earth exist.
The problem's always been the power source, not the control systems.
Escaflowne's powered by a magic gallstone, Gundams are powered by fusion reactors only possible in theory, etc.
Evangelions' having a 30 second range if they're not plugged in is the most reasonable thing about that whole show.
Yeah, that's very true. Unless there's some massive innovation in energy production/storage that can make a small, compact, but very stable and powerful power source... Somehow I don't think jet fuel or high octane would work well. LoL
Ahhhhh I remember this show! I couldn’t remember the name it was so long ago and kept tying in gundam wing and couldn’t find it (didn’t try thaaaat hard tho lol)
Same combo that cemented my admiration for animes. Loved them since the 80s but they were just “Japanese cartoons” on tv. After Eva and Escaflowne they were elevated.
Same. I had a friend that was getting copies of the VHS releases at the time and they were only dubbed, since then I could not really go back to dub. Although, the older Italian dubs were really good. Not sure about the French one, but considering our tv was licensing yours I guess good as well.
I never watched evangelion in French so can't say. All I know is that French dub of 90s anime were kind of a disaster with butchering of dialogues in certain anime.
I understand why some people have nostalgia for this opening, Escaflowne was one of the earliest animes to hit mainstream US TV. But as someone who first saw this by bootleg tapes, the way Fox Kids absolutely butchered the show through editing will always annoy the Hell outta me
And the Fox Kids version just took a chainsaw to the rest of series in editing.
They cut so much out of it, the first two episodes, roughly 50 mins of runtime, became a single 22min episode for broadcast. And the rest of it didn't fair much better
I should go back and watch this. Haven't seen it since fox kids took it down ages ago. Think it was because the main character ripped a girls shirt open to give CPR. Can't have kids seeing 19th century undergarments 🙄
Mechanics with secondary movements always get me lmao watching this shit is FASCINATING
When the wrist rotates and the front of the cuff moves 1:1 and the rear rings move slower I LOVE it
Jongler avec les VHS pour en trouver une sur laquelle je pouvais programmer l'enregistrement du prochain épisode sur canal afin de connaître la suite de l'histoire...
Iron Man (2008) had the BEST suiting-up sequence. Every appearance after that was incrementally a step towards the inanity of the InfinityGame's non-Iron non-suit.
(Snickety slice)
One of the only Isekai I adore.
Otherwise I tend to hate Isekai as a concept.
The harem shit and obligatory overpower trip are what that kills it.
I don't want EVERY fantasy as an "isekai", but sometimes it's a nice string on a bow to point some bullshit about our saucisse.
Escaflowne's powered by a magic gallstone, Gundams are powered by fusion reactors only possible in theory, etc.
Evangelions' having a 30 second range if they're not plugged in is the most reasonable thing about that whole show.
They have studied their subject well.
But I love this one and Dunbine. Bio-organic bug mechs. <3
I need to do a re-watch of Escaflowne for sure...
That one + Evangelion made me a life time mecha fan boy.
Probably owe my career path to both of those too.
Evangelion was also the first anime I watched in Japanese with subtitles.
I wasn't ready for Shinji voice actor giving its 10000% in the screams of rage and pain department.
They cut so much out of it, the first two episodes, roughly 50 mins of runtime, became a single 22min episode for broadcast. And the rest of it didn't fair much better
When the wrist rotates and the front of the cuff moves 1:1 and the rear rings move slower I LOVE it
Jongler avec les VHS pour en trouver une sur laquelle je pouvais programmer l'enregistrement du prochain épisode sur canal afin de connaître la suite de l'histoire...
Amazing anime.
I love my mecha armor as plausible as possible.