Stephen Fry: “I’m deeply worried by the darkening shadow that’s going over the world, a shadow that we have to call fascism”
Laura Kuenssberg: “You would use that word?”
Stephen Fry: “Oh absolutely. It’s a cult of power; and power only speaks to power”
Laura Kuenssberg: “You would use that word?”
Stephen Fry: “Oh absolutely. It’s a cult of power; and power only speaks to power”
my good god, disgusting hypocritical XXXX
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck... it's a duck.
Wonder why.
She uses Conservative/Tory, Labour, SNP, Lib Dem etc...
Fascism is another example of a collective ideology.
Some people just shouldn't be political journalists if they don't understand political language.
Maybe I'm too old to know :)
be woke and be proud to be
Especially given her family background:
Slow on the update or collaborator ?
It's always one rule for them, etc.
The next chance is ealry 2028.
We need a snow day across the world.
Stop Nazi Oppression Worldwide
Just sayin'
I’ve been deeply worried for a decade.
He chose to side with GC haters and Terfs, because he didn’t think they would come for him.
That’s why they’ve removed all the top brass and replaced them with snivelling and compliant yes men.
The US is now aligned with 🇷🇺 🇮🇷 🇰🇵
It needs to speak to the gullibles to take control in the first place, and they are just as guilty.
What other words could/would you use.
Fascists really don't like being called Fascists.
WTF is wrong with people.
I said it out loud decades ago!
Remember the Kent State Massacre.
Once upon a time we had Brian Waldon.
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Implied_by: Yes