Pay attention to how coverage of Trump is changing. Pay attention to how entertainment changes.
There are lessons to learn here about how capitalism works and what is real and what isn’t.
There are lessons to learn here about how capitalism works and what is real and what isn’t.
Along with 50-60% of the Democratic Party.
Not sure what we can actually do against such staggering odds.
They are absolutely going to take more rights away.
Do not comply. Don't normalize. Push back from word go.
Class consciousness has practically evaporated and it’s time to regain it.
Anyone willing to look has seen it over the past few years and now, if we’re going to avoid the worst case scenario, it’s time wrestle with what’s actually happening.
Start noticing the paradigm isn’t what maybe you thought it was. Readjust.
It’s time to face reality about the actual nature of things.
How convenient after the election they were all in on it