We can fix this and we can make something better. It will take work and trust and renewed faith in spite of ourselves, but we can do it.
Please hear me. We can do it.
Please hear me. We can do it.
I think the media and everyday Americans can work together to save our government over the next couple of weeks.
Playing short commercials during pro sports games and March Madness would be the most efficient way to reach all Americans the fastest.
What do you think?
Thank you,
Darkness abhors the light, so keep yours burning bright!
I trust his judgement.
If we can get this bad- we can open up our minds to the pendulum swing of being better.
Getting rid of dictators is always hard, tho.
THIS will be difficult
Arrest #trElump
“Just Say No”
TO The tЯ☭mpublican Traitors supporting Traitor tЯ☭mp & P☭tin! Remove THEM
#VerifyTheVote!! StarLink
Sorry if I have already posted this to you, but please check my protest song about Dictator Adolf Trump and January 6th, if you like it, give a thumbs up! And please share!
The constant name calling isn't going to get us there.
If we are serious about stoping hatred, cruelty and disregarding of the law then we need to get serious and quit acting like children.
This is not an option we have here.
This is a definitive crossroad to pick what side you are on, what policy stuff you are willing to look past, to get our democracy back.
We need to focus on democracy and not be divided.
Do I support all "leftist" policies? Not exactly.
That's what has to happen, folks.
You can't save anything else, Trans rights, Disabled rights, Women's rights, Veteran's rights, etc., WITHOUT a democracy.
So we need to come together to save our democracy first.
🇨🇦 #ElbowsUp 🇺🇸
Fascism is not an option.
We owe it to our children and grandchildren and all those that fought and died before us.
We could do it. We could.
Project 2029 plans to reduce the corruption in USA. Tell everyone.
(It's what's keeping me hopeful and focused on the path forward, anyway.)
I do appreciate your faith and hope that we can fix this enormous catastrophe occurring now.
Deposing @schumer.senate.gov and bringing on a new generation of leadership who FIGHT might give me some hope.