Anonymous seems to be better at their hacking than elmo's Twitter guys are at fixing things. If only the owner of Twitter wasn't distracted by destroying America.
I'm kinda hoping that DOGE destroys enough & the people will have enough distain. That we WILL rebuild with some fucking hardcore anti corporations /anti big interest laws. Sure as HELL hope someone gets this new bill stopping government workers from getting government contracts. THAT'S a NO brainer
The America WE know we built on the backs of the non whites for the whites to destroy & feed on. Would be nice if we could rebuild so we ALL could live & help the earth a bit too.
The musk rat has hacked the US financial system has hacked Social Security, stolen Americans personal identifiable information. Musk should be arrested and jailed. He has robbed America. He deserves to be hacked and convicted.
I find it completely unbelievable every time I see a movie with a villain in it and the villain kills his own people because they "failed" him. Then I see musk and xhitter and realize if musk fires someone for this, it's the same thing.
But what about the other 1 1/2 million X workers who are just collecting money after providing false details. Somebody's head will roll. What idiot would hire so many illegal immigrants:
All they were doing is uploading the entire social security program in to X algorithm so Elon could start collecting social security. He gave himself section 8 status bc of his Ketamine/megalomania diagnosis
Thank you to whomever is effing with them
Wake Up, America!!
Not dying
Could I suggest a psychiatrist?
Then they can leave are shit alone
There was no hack
That's bullshit
They won't believe you.
What a weasely way to say Russia.
The ‘efficiency’ king!
#DeportMusk #DoucheDept
America ... hold tight because "X" marks the spot.