If Google is ultimately forced to sell Chrome, who will be the buyer and how will it be operated? Will the black box open up to some extent? #adtech #doj #google


the logical buyer is The Trade Desk—they could take out the janky "Privacy Sandbox" stuff and put in UID2, OpenPass, and consent management. Not all users would leave the ad features on, but TTD would be able to give those who do a better experience with less nagging for consent and emails
Fair enough, but won’t this create another „Google“?
Less than half a Google at most—YouTube is bigger than open web for Google

(Google has an incentive to make the web crappy, to drive users, content creators, and advertisers to YouTube. A different Chrome owner would tend to make the web less crappy to try to take some time and ad $ from YouTube)
Fair enough, let’s see how this unveils and who will be the other potential buyers…Mozilla anyone? (I know they don’t have enough cash)
It would be spun out as a separate, public company. Which would be best for everyone concerned, including Chrome, which would finally start innovating. We need more competition, not less.
100% agree regarding the need for innovation, but what will be that separate company‘s business model? How will it go public without revenue streams? And how to make sure it will be unbiased this time?
Well, technically (if not competitively), Chrome already has a massive revenue stream: They get paid by Google to provide search services. I'm sure they get paid, app-store-like, for Chrome add-ins as well. And then - who knows? That's the fun of bidniss.