This was generated as an auto-complete meme, but for real:
As a society, we have defined "good at math" as being able to manipulate numbers quickly. Kids are rewarded or punished in school based on this.
But that's not math. Math is thinking creatively about logical ideas. And everyone can do it.
As a society, we have defined "good at math" as being able to manipulate numbers quickly. Kids are rewarded or punished in school based on this.
But that's not math. Math is thinking creatively about logical ideas. And everyone can do it.
Reposted from
Amber Ying 應 緣
Don't let society convince you that you’re not good at math.
But my 3rd grade teacher tried to convince my parents I was bad at math and shouldn't move up
Except that bring "bad at math" can mess up your future, switch you from the college pipeline to the prison pipeline