A reminder: For all his bravado, and testosterone-themed bluster, Donald Trump remains, at his core, a thin-skinned man-child unable to handle even the mildest of criticisms.
This is absolute parody now, maga should be so proud
Always has been
If "TRUMP" was the name of my hometown professional team
And I was a fan in the stands
I'd probably have a brown paper bag over my head
No peepholes
He holds everyone in contempt and dehumanizes those who disagree with him in order to make “disappearing” them palatable to the masses.
Now, let’s focus on how to stop the damage- or at least protect those in harm’s way.
Mashed potatoes on his head.
Thick makeup.
Jealous of Putin, Kim Jung Un and other villains.
This happens daily to every human with a job.
Plus trying to beat up on a true Christian Bishop because she asked for kindness & mercy for human beings!
Ouch! True colors!