Not to worry. The Defense Secretary job is now a feet up on the desk, look good for the cameras & have your underlings do the work kind of job. The people actually doing the work will be paid less & not known. You know, 😉😉 "meritocracy".
He’s blackout drunk most of the time. Not only does he probably not remember covering this on Fox News but he probably doesn’t even remember that Russia invaded Ukraine. I think we need a military intervention. Send troops to his house sit him down with friends and family and convince him to quit.
It’s like he chooses both. Uses the military to put Tennessee under martial law and enslave the citizens to devote all their time to working in the distilleries to satiate his alcoholic needs. Constant whiskey, production day and night. A drunken Gulag.
Love seeing the receipts that prove their copious lies, thank you! It appears that “copious lying” is an important prerequisite to work for Donald Trump & Elon Musk!
"I remembered drinking shots at a bar with my buddies and then my next memory was waking up alone in my bed at home the next morning. I had NO memory of driving home!!!"
From that day on, I refused to drink hard liquor & vowed to NEVER drink & drive.
I've seriously been giving that some thought, myself. This morning work has been insane & with all the crazy by Comrade Krasnov, his felon filled junk drawer & Magadonians in general, drinking for a hobby just might keep me sane (or not). LOL
US farmers were the breadbasket of the world. That’s been eliminated in a month, and American farms will be sold to the highest bidder. Russian oligarchs, the Chinese & Saudi government will own much of the US farmland (and Trump will sell them golden cards for $5M). How is this OK?
I’d forgotten that SNAP really benefits farmers here, as it should. I remember how retaliatory tariffs during Trump’s first trade war crushed farms in my state. They haven’t recovered. Some of them needlessly lost farms that had been in their families for generations.
...and just as icky!
I heard many, many un-minced, "descriptive" words... everyday. I still hear his voice every time I do something wrong.
"I remembered drinking shots at a bar with my buddies and then my next memory was waking up alone in my bed at home the next morning. I had NO memory of driving home!!!"
From that day on, I refused to drink hard liquor & vowed to NEVER drink & drive.
All of this misery for so many people, just so a few Billionaires can accumulate more money!