The door shall be opened. It’s a win win. Either the beast is a servant to its impulses and it will taste my silver, or it isn’t and I get another player for couch co-op Halo Reach.
~is already standing with the door open~
i told you ... the door is unlocked, now stop acting like a spoiled brat and get yer ass inside .... we're having poptarts and gunna watch a movie :D
Yes but only ajar because my dog is freaking out and I don't want him to hurt the stranger who might be in need (I really don't understand what's wrong, he never react like that to people, only to cats and other dogs)
Either way, I’ll open the door, but I don’t want to saddle anyone with a cleaning bill
i told you ... the door is unlocked, now stop acting like a spoiled brat and get yer ass inside .... we're having poptarts and gunna watch a movie :D
Yes I am.
she looks very polite