In a normal word they should have to be brought to court themselves and have repercussions, but we know that never applies to them unless they speak against Trump.
If you had full immunity from any and all criminal activities like Trump now has thanks to the SCOTUS, you’d be free to commit crimes 24/7 but you don’t have immunity and he does! Plus he has the power to enact the insurrection act and declare martial law suspending due process and habeas corpus
See once again this dumbass in the idiots that he's got don't realize that s***'s on record and yes the court will f****** use it because it's evidence. And sooner or later the blade of evidence is going to come down on his and all their heads real soon
How can the unconstitutional behavior of the #lunaticInChief continue unchallenged. Where are the adults stepping in to #stopTheMadness and #saveTheUS it's values and what a great America stands for: "liberty and JUSTICE for all".
I am betting this will be something that will be talked about in the very near future:
ABUSE of POWER: The Uniform Code of Military Justice; specifies that service members are only required to obey “the LAWFUL orders of his/her superior.” Just ask Army Lt. William Calley.
We are the adults that dems expect to be stepping up. Protesting in the streets. Shaltz from Hawaii who just voted with schumer said congress can't plan for every contingency but they can strategegize when things happen. Cowards.
If the courts come for him he will initiate martial law.
He will not bend now he has ultimate power within his grasp!
The USA is in grave danger of a fascist dictatorship control
Are they wrong? Who and how would they be forced to comply ? The old US system was built on the idea of respect for the Constitution. Throw that concept out and the executive is free to do as they please unless forced to obey the rule of law. I see no one forcing Trump to do anything.
You are asking the right question,👍 it's not if they are following the law or not, it's what happens to them if they are not following the law, and please - who is here to explain it to us, we need informed leadership to speak out. imo
We are fu--ed. He has to be stopped. Isn't anyone going to hold the orange zit accountable for anything?
Can an average citizen bring a suit against the supreme Court for the damage they have done to the rule of law?
The citizens are the protectors of the constitution and democracy. It's not the elected officials once it gets to this point. Once we the people decide it's enough, then 330 million will have to work as 1 to take out all the trash. That's just the way it is.
Gives me something to live for: seeing Leavitt deported back to Moscow in chains with the rest of the Trump quislings. And perhaps a date on Komsomol Street with a high window….
Exactly. They’re not denying they violated it. They’re claiming it’s not a violation because Trump isn’t subject to the courts, and even if he were, they don’t have jurisdiction over a plane outside of U.S. airspace. Both claims are ridiculous, of course, but who will stop him?
Tell your reps in DC POTUS must obey the judiciary. Resist. It only takes a few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Because Trump is the "Executive of the Executive Branch".... that's her quote exactly.
This means that according to her, NO court has the power over the executive branch despite each branch being independent AND coequal - as per the constitution
If they had shown even a vague hint of competence the traitor and his co-conspirators would have gone to jail by the end of January 2021 to await trials.
I know it's not happening to white america it's happening to brown,black,marginalized ppls.
At what point, white america, will u stand up & be heard. your silence is deafening.
I know, there's some of u out there & yet we know the're more than 100 mil white ppl that could be on streets right now😞
Americas aren’t silent. There have been over 7million calls to legislators since February, people are not only attending town halls but holding their own when legislators won’t, they are gathering to protest and independent journalism ratings are soaring. Lots of Americans are standing…(1/2)
However…GOP leadership is on board with MAGA regardless of what constituents are expressing and Dem leadership is weak. It is going to be rough going with these two factors working against the people’s voice.
That can only happen in 2 ways! 1st the VP and the current administration uses the 25th amendment of the constitution or an impeachment inquiry is allowed to come to the house floor for a vote. I hate to tell ya but that ain’t happening. Actually none of it is happening. All we have left is our vote
Problem is we don’t have 67 senate votes to convict. Republicans hold majorities in both houses! They will never allow an impeachment inquiry to reach the floor of congress for a vote.
Yep, I really don’t want to see all my liberal allies march straight into imprisonment just because they’re less familiar with the true brutality of the capitalist state. This makes it *more* important to resist, but strategically.
The Nuremberg trial was a necessity for a reason, there has to be a clean up process after a lawless regime. Democrats must state a clear intent of prosecuting these unlawful acts against the law or the constitution. Also, get Schumer out of the leadership position now.
I knew it the second I was reading the live updates. This is the challenge and if nothing happens it’s the end of democracy and checks and balances in America.
According to the administration, Trump could literally designate Musk as a foreign enemy and deport him to some jail in some foreign country, no trial required ... I wish he would.
Given Trumps fickle treatment of most of those who have been loyal to him, the possibility isn't so unimaginable.
No one is above the law. Anyone violating a court order would be remanded to jail or an arrest warrant would be issued. Trump, Musk, Vance, Rubio, and anyone in the administration who violates a court order needs to be held accountable immediately.
We need some more analysis of the doctrine of qualified immunity. Trump v. U.S. gives Trump immunity for "official" acts. It does not protect everyone else. So that case does not apply to everyone from JD Vance on down.
But they can claim qualified immunity from lawsuits. Qualified immunity is a legal doctrine that shields officials from lawsuits unless they violate clearly established law.
They lose qualified immunity if they intentionally violate a court order.
No proof they’re enemies. The Trump administration has not identified the migrants deported, provided any evidence they are in fact members of Tren de Aragua or that they committed any crimes in the U.S.
And he’s not going to to either 🤬 he is a rogue president imbued with great power and thx to the SCOTUS he now has full immunity for anything he does as president.
They created a Constitutional crisis that the Judiciary must address. If they fail, the military took an oath to the Constitution. It is their job to arrest Trump and protect the Constitution.
Folks... it's time to take an example from the rest of the world. Mobilize. Now that they can declare a person a terrorist and deport them with no trial. That means everyone of you that said something negative on here can be added to their lists. Stand now or start disappearing.
I believe they also answer to the courts and are there to protect the constitution. this is the shoot out that will happen which will start the shooting part of the war.
I suspect, from being around government shit for awhile, that you would find they obey the DOJ who accepts requests from the courts. This is an informed guess though, and even if an entire agency is a dual report, it is still... Had to have this happen.
El Salvador has offered to take prisoners of any nationality, including Americans. Then the rant last night from HIM. I'm truly scared the members of the January 6th committee may be on that list of future flights. Anyone not scared isn't paying attention.
Now the Trump Administration will test the judiciary by claiming to outright not have to obey the law. What laws do they have to obey? Or are they not obeying ANY laws at this point? If government isn't obeying laws, what laws do the citizenship have to obey?
Rule of law is foundational to our country and indeed civilization, so everyone gets protections. Don’t they realize if they throw it out, THEY also will no longer have protections?
immunity, immunity immunity. And dumb people voted for him . And maybe muskrat manipulated votes … still not over HRC not asking for a recount! Same for Kamala.
They always deny everything. Nothing happens to them. They just deny it and it goes away till the next disaster and I’m really wondering what it’s gonna take.this must end!!
When a president can ignore a direct court order & make up his own rules to override a known law . . . you no longer live in a democracy w/rule of law.
The not-so-Supreme Court must strip Trump of all the privileges they've granted him. Then, we can demand Congress to impeach him and ensure he has his day in court, potentially in a state where the death penalty is legal.
The voters can stop him by flipping congress to opposition party control. That will stop him dead in his tracks! We have the power in our hands to arrest his behavior. By doing so, we can legally castrate his administration. Making him impotent. We can effectively shut down the White House!
So that pretty much opens the door to deporting his enemies?He already said the pardons of the J6 committee are void.
Who’s the first to get exiled as an “enemy of the state”
Fuck him and all who support him!
So Trump thinks because he can’t be sued or prosecuted for official acts in office as president, means he is allowed to DEFY a court order?WOW! What a stupid idiot.I want this to go to the Supreme Court.Let’s see if they will go against Federal Judges AND the Constitution.Something tells me NO.
I hope to God you’re right. Because Trump is out of control! But my feeling, my gut is telling me that any decision made by the SCOTUS will be a 5-4 in favor of Trump policy or against Trump policy. But then who would enforce it! Do we still have a majority of people of integrity in congress!
If Trump isn't dealt with by any means necessary we aren't going to have a country he needs to be gone immediately every second he's allowed to occupy the White house we are that much more in danger next Democrats will just start disappearing it's no joke by any means necessary he needs to be gone
When he vacate the White House he’s going to bring down a lot people with him. He’s the type to hold something over your head. He’s an evil vindictive old man. He’s a person you couldn’t love. He’s a “unloveable” person. Does he have any “real friends”?
Yes he will throw anyone and everyone under the bus to save himself he cares about only himself and complete rule over everything and everyone he's human scum garbage people who suck up to him are just as bad as him they are a disease that's killing the country
That would be great he'd call the army Navy air force Marines to start shooting protesters you know he would he'd declare Marshall law so he could shoot protesters you know he would he wants us dead there's no doubt about it
You got 2 choices act. Or let it happen. Either way you will get fucked. The dems just made it clear they ain't gonna do shit. The courts just lost power. It's the people or decades of trumps running the empire of America.
That is going to happen no matter what. There is absolutely no avoiding it. He wants it to happen. Rather have it before they get their shit together and total control over military.
Yes he's already said that Bidens pardons are null and void because they were done by auto pen he's a delusional psychopath making things up to go after anyone he deems against him so all Democrats and anyone who tried or tries to hold him accountable for his criminal activity
They all need to go like you said, by ANY means necessary, all at once, immediately. Some people feel there will be others eager to take his place. Nope, you eliminate the known threats, others will fall into line with how things should be done in the USA.
The law means nothing. Let that sink in. Quit expecting the legal branch to do shit. The legal branch and the legislative branches' failure to uphold the constitution is HOW WE GOT HERE.
I think his SotU address was Trump’s declaration of war against the US and also notice he would be full-on crazy. That WH statement could not prove both better.
I find this Barbie lady really annoying. I guess she doesn’t know she’s not really that bright, someone should tell her - and maybe remove her from that job?
Leavitt is an idiot.
Congress has control over those prisoners, not the President.
Where’s Congress?
Oh yeah, silly me….
They’re hiding.
And sliding down a slippery slope of people we have no clue about being deported.
YOU could be next!
For any reason.
Let that sink in.
they are already, a few communities around america are arming themself in order to protect themself, heck alot are already fighting back via civil disobedience
Alas, if the police or the military back the dictatorship, despite our abundance of weapons, we don’t have the firepower to overtake them all and peel it back. But I don’t think the military will back him if he turns them on us.
Yapface Blondie is absolutely wrong. But she's getting paid to blabber nonsense, and that's what she does. It's what she's good at, like the Sandersaurus and MackaNinny.
And they celebrated their TREASONOUS ACT AGAINST THE USA and declared another VICTORY FOR FASCIM AND TYRANNY! Was anyone ever on the side of WE The People? As someone who took their OATH to our Constitution seriously, all I see, in our Tyrannical Gov, is the FASCIST FUCKING TYRANNICAL ENEMY!
Don't be so casual with your 'you', fascists now control the most powerful military in the world by threefold and have already floated invading our oldest allies
I’ve been saying this since January 20, 2025. This indicted felon now as president has full immunity and being a lame duck president he no longer cares whether voters are upset or angry over his policies. There’s nothing holding him back. He’s out of control. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”
That press secretary is a piece of work, all lies on top of lies. Just because they “think” they don’t have to obey them doesn’t make it that they don’t. Looks like they are going down a path that is going to lead to some very serious consequences in the near future.
If the precedent is that the court makes an order then the white house ignores it and nothing is done about it, then apparently they don't have to comply.
There’s not a republican in congress with enough backbone to allow an impeachment to go forward. And absolutely nothing comes to the floor without their consent! Because they hold the majority in both houses. Meaning they make the congressional rules of operation for both houses.
I know this but to not put forth the effort to say this impeachable this is wrong normalizes it. It may just be words but it still matters. As a therapist if I’m concerned a child is being abused, I report it even when I know it won’t be investigated
The SCOTUS ruling was that the president has immunity; that doesn't mean those who act on his behalf have it. if they arrest everyone who breaks the law in carrying out his unlawful orders, he'll have to fly the plane himself.
I think Elon made a similar argument the other day....
Problem is are there enough of them willing to do that! I seriously doubt it. He has enough fanatics willing to drink his kool aid and do whatever the hell he wants.
True, but what I'm asking is if those willing to help him can be charged and arrested. If the order he gives is illegal, and the person takes the action anyway, could they be subject to arrest?
Senators—Democrat, Republican, and Independent—Trump is dismantling our Republic to serve Putin's goals. Confirming unfit Cabinet members only aids him. Putin wants Alaska, Eastern Europe, and Greenland. Save our Republic. Stop Trump.
You can’t arrest the president 🙄 the constitution doesn’t allow for it! The only remedy is an impeachment. But the problem is, we don’t have 67 senate votes to convict. Nor do we have the majority in either house, so the republicans will never allow an impeachment inquiry to go to the house floor
We can’t sit idly by while our rights disappear because the legal process has been stacked against us. American history is absolutely filled to the brim with rebellious worker’s riots and the constant struggle between wealthy rent collectors and those they exploit.
Nope, they are working a Big Lie strategy to make people believe this. "It's not what you don't know that gets you. It's the things you know for certain that just aren't true" Mark Twain?
People say the "guardrails" will stop him. I have been saying the guardrails only stop him if he abides by them, and what happens when he doesn't? Well, here we are..
There is an encouraging hint that they consider it proper to deny they violated a judge’s order. There is at least a gesture of respect for rule of law, despite it being patently insincere.
I TRY to maintain a ladylike manner but sometimes you just have to say that the GOP and POTUS are all miserable, heartless, lawless POS who all think they're above the law and Venezuelans and other are suffering because of it
Given the frequency with which some French politicians allow themselves to challenge court decisions, we should not delay in following in the footsteps of the USA.
If there’s no enforcement of the order, then it becomes irrelevant. We keep seeing this playbook played over & over. Zero accountability guarantees our laws become meaningless. We MUST NOT ALLOW THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS! Right now judges still have power. Once they cave, it’s over, for all of us.
'Separation of Powers' ...... down the toilet! Supreme Court in his pocket. Lower judiciary ignored. Congress a pile of wet poodles. Goodnight America!!!
Since we are very aware that Trump and Musk feel that laws do not apply to them and that they are "untouchable", who will hold them accountable? Once Trump installs his organized crime model to government, military and LE, what's to stop him? That is a terrifying thought and it's happening now.
Fuck the Supreme corrupt court. Those worthless pieces of shit. This entire thing is their fault. They should have up held the constitution to begin with!
This is from the Alien Enemies Act. We have to be at war. Last time I checked, we weren’t at war with Venezuela. Leavett isn’t only stupid, she’s just flat out wrong.
This should not be tolerated. He will continue to violate the law and commit atrocities. We must take action, any and all to demonstrate we elected him, he is not ordained by god.
The 27 year old who has a baby with a 60 year old millionaire because she knew she’d never do anything of value with her life. She’s also vile, uneducated, and incompetent. Fuck her!
People watch Netflix Zero Day! Though not absolutely about reflective of DJT madness, it’s what happens when absolute power is granted! There’s a scene between a detained person & his lawyer! We’re almost there, IMO!
As with any Tyranny it doesn't require everyone to be one of the Faithful,just enough people to not be bothered enough to care.
It's either collaboration,compliance or cowardice with such regimes.
Everything but a 'No' you are prepared to stand by for real is a 'Yes' to people who only want to take.
Because he’s a crook! Plus this one has full immunity for everything he does as president! And now since he’s not running for reelection, he doesn’t give a shit whether he’s up or down in the polls. When are people going to recognize he is out of control and no one can stop him!
In a normal word they should have to be brought to court themselves and have repercussions, but we know that never applies to them unless they speak against Trump.
The trump administration violated the courts orders.
The trump administration deliberately chose to violate the courts orders.
Then I can’t bash a neighbor for playing music at top level?
I’m asking for a friend.
ABUSE of POWER: The Uniform Code of Military Justice; specifies that service members are only required to obey “the LAWFUL orders of his/her superior.” Just ask Army Lt. William Calley.
He will not bend now he has ultimate power within his grasp!
The USA is in grave danger of a fascist dictatorship control
Do we need more proof?
We need a means to stop this.
And the commitment to do so.
Here we are……..
Can an average citizen bring a suit against the supreme Court for the damage they have done to the rule of law?
I mean, if the press secretary
says it's so, it must be so.
This means that according to her, NO court has the power over the executive branch despite each branch being independent AND coequal - as per the constitution
'Everything Goes Back To High School,'
here, we have a game of
"we dare you to do something about us."
since the democrats didn't why not figure the judges won't either?
especially since he owns #SCOTUS ...
Biden and Merrick Garbage are accomplices to a growing list of crimes...
They refused to do their duty to hold the traitor accountable and prevent his second coup attempt from succeeding.
He is however complicit in this crime spree.
Their complicity was central to the second coup.
At what point, white america, will u stand up & be heard. your silence is deafening.
I know, there's some of u out there & yet we know the're more than 100 mil white ppl that could be on streets right now😞
Given Trumps fickle treatment of most of those who have been loyal to him, the possibility isn't so unimaginable.
They lose qualified immunity if they intentionally violate a court order.
Let's start suing the motherfuckers directly
Anyone left willing /able to enforce democratic law?
…doesn’t look like it! 😢
This is my nightmare
Doesn't anything mean anything anymore?
But the courts didn't start it
What will the SCOTUS do now?
immunity, immunity immunity. And dumb people voted for him . And maybe muskrat manipulated votes … still not over HRC not asking for a recount! Same for Kamala.
He who hesitates....
Trump said he would send criminals (US citizens & permanent residents) to El Salvador before.
It gets worse & worse! 😔
time for armed (peaceful) protests.
Protest Protest Protest #demilitarizethepolice #rankedchoicevoting #iftheycandoit #disobeythecourts #disobeythepolice
Who’s the first to get exiled as an “enemy of the state”
Fuck him and all who support him!
The headline SHOULD HAVE read….
Congress has control over those prisoners, not the President.
Where’s Congress?
Oh yeah, silly me….
They’re hiding.
And sliding down a slippery slope of people we have no clue about being deported.
YOU could be next!
For any reason.
Let that sink in.
Imagine: actual, live judges who want to stop Trump!
Please end the Safe Third Country Agreement with the USA. The USA is not a safe third country for refugees.
what exactly did we expect?🙄
or so !
I think Elon made a similar argument the other day....
Yeah silly me I heard it as I was typing it out 🤷♂️
We need to abort the Supreme Court! Bastards!
Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
It's either collaboration,compliance or cowardice with such regimes.
Everything but a 'No' you are prepared to stand by for real is a 'Yes' to people who only want to take.