This clip is 24 seconds long.

If there are still billionaires who are not Trump Republicans, one of them should turn this into an ad and make sure everyone in America sees it.
BREAKING: Trump's billionaire Commerce Secretary says that seniors won't care if they don't get their Social Security checks — and that anyone who does complain is a fraudster.


Nah, Democrats will be like civility, norms some some other dumb shit. No fight in that bunch.
By this logic, the WH has more than a few gigantic fraudsters.
By any defensible logic, that's true. And not all financially-oriented scams, either. Looking at you, Gerbil Goebbels Miller.
Meanwhile her bills on autopay don’t get paid, bank fines her $35 for each bounced payment. Adds up to hundreds.
Out of touch idiot
Right after he torched seniors on SSI
What a retched human scum
Wondering if that POS has paid his life insurance premium
Someone is asking for
a bullet between the eyes.
Fuck around, find out.
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For a commerce secretary, Lutnick sure seems like he’s still not over being passed over for treasury secretary.
“Oh, son, it’s okay if I don’t get my SS check this month. I’m sure my landlord won’t mind if I miss the rent. I also have some canned soup saved up.”
Sad that we have to hope some billionaire will pick up on it, because we kind of know that the leaders of what is supposed to be the opposition party will fail to do so.
If I'm a 'Fraudster', I suck at it because I rely upon my monthly social sec check. It pays my mortgage, my car payment and other bills. We depend on it. Being a fraudster doesn't pay well I guess.... 😢
What an asshole.
And yet republicans will applaud this as “owning libs.”
So does someone who actually needs that money to live.
He’s telegraphing the next move ! We may not get our April 2025 Social Security checks! Prepare as much as possible 🙏.
Richard Branson
I am absolutely gobsmacked at this. The arrogance. The gaslighting. The way he has absolutely no idea how people actually depend on their social security checks. This is ‘let them eat cake’ on steroids.
His mither-in-law has a billionaire son-in-law. She wouldn't need to call in to find out where her Social Secuiry check is. He is obscene.
Who the fuck is this guy??? Need to know and then flood the zone.
How about Cuban?
Let's say I didn't t send my income tax payment this month ...
His statement is an admission.
So when do we stop paying for this shit in our checks??
I've posted this on an another thread, because myself and my disabled son unfortunately are affected.

If they stop checks for seniors and disabled, a lot of whom live Social Security check to Social Security check. They will generate and invigorate a massive army of Luigi's.
Gotdamn right
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See also: 'you didn't scream and shout when we didn't send the checks, so you must not need the money, you're a fraudster'.
Fuck with my SSI and there WILL be violence. Fuck you Ludnick. ?
I barely made it thru 24 Sec. The dept of ignorance is sickening. People are going to die. Slowly alone in poverty hungry and in pain. I want to vomit
My wife (RN) of 38 years and myself (state employee) would be in real trouble without our monthly SSI checks! The arrogance of these asshats!
About a million of us will be homeless and starving in the streets 28 days after checks stop.
They don't want to pay us the money they owe us, so they're just going to kill us instead.
My family already knows if I don’t get my check that I will be going to the SS office to protest. They know that I don’t care if I get arrested. This is my money. How dare they steal it from me. Why are they doing this to seniors? Because they want us dead so they can collect unused money.
The delusion is ridiculous with this one.
Maybe mix in a shot of this guy’s $25 million mansion in DC so folks who need SS to make rent can see who is accusing them of fraud.
Fuck that chump bitch
C’mon Mark Cuban!
They take social security away from the MAGA and January 6th will look like peaceful tourists
Wow! What a gaslighting prick! People living hand to mouth, depending on that for rent and meds and food - fraudster. Mother in law of a multi millionaire is ok. How can people watch this and not rise up to deal with these charlatans.
Get on this
And what billionaire isn't a Trump Republican? Cuban? Soros? Anyone else?? Anyone? Buhler?
This guy just described Donald Trump for the past 50 years. A fraudster making the loudest noise complaining.
Thank you for completing this message. It's been flying around soc med without the *if you complain, you're a criminal* part.
His fuckin mother-in-law has a billionaire in the family. The rest of us don't. Everyone needs to watch that clip.
The fraudsters are stealing the money. Time to TAX THE OLIGARCHS.
Trump Admin Threatens to Shut Down Social Security unless Doge gets it's way

Trumpist says not getting SS check no big deal

Lutnick:"Let's say Social Security didn't send out their checks this month, my mother-in-law— who's 94— she wouldn't call and complain.
my guess, it would be 100x better if you started with 30 seconds of a few people saying something like
Social Security is my retirement
If a check doesn't arrive, I go hungry
They don't care if we die.
If his MIL needs to complain, all she has to do is call him. I pity the fool who doesn’t pick up. Furthermore, shame on him for using her.
We shall see how deep the worms have eaten into the MAGA minds. They are going to wake up with nothing left
What a dick!
These people are absolutely insane. A lot of people rely on their social security to live. Interrupt those checks and you're going to get a chance to see the complainers up close and personal. Millions of them will be in the streets of Washington and we'll be looking for the real thieves.
No, They know full damn well that people who need those checks the most - people, by the way, that PAID INTO SOCIAL SECURITY AS IT WAS KNOWN AS SSI- Social Security INSURANCE- are mostly too damn old, in poor health, and/or live in rural areas and don't have means to be out in the streets of D.C.
When people get desperate you’d be surprised what they’ll do.
Lutnik knows this and doesn’t care. He is absolutely heartless. Hard to understand how another human being can be so cruel. But then the whole administration is just like him. Shameful.
What an asshole this guy is
“A fraudster always makes the loudest noise yelling and screaming and complaining.”
I’m surprised he didn’t choke to death on the irony.
Well, , are you up for this? As a Social Security recipient, I know with certainty that I would be complaining loud and strong. I can't believe it that his 94 year old mother wouldn't complain, if only to her son.
Look forward to the video of Lutnick's decapitated head rolling down the Capitol steps the 1st month a sizeable number of SS deposits are missed.
The only one that will come out and admit that is Mark Cuban. So yep, fingers crossed.

The rest are probably too focused on the tax cuts 💰.
Planting the seed - anyone that complains they didn’t get their check must be a fraudster.
Wow! The sheer shameless of Commerce Sec Lutnick is utterly stomach-churning! Of course his mother wouldn’t immediately call Social Security to complain if she didn’t get her monthly check on time. SHE HAS A (SKETCHY) BILLIONAIRE SON!! WTF is his point?? Completely detached from reality of most ppl!
"A fraudster always makes the loudest noise, screaming and yelling and complaining." Oh, you mean Trump.
What i take from Howard Buttlicks comment is this…

“Trump is a fraudster”.
You've probably got your mother-in-law fitted with a ball-gag.
Evil men say evil things. ill start editing. Are you game?
I know of a fraudster who complains loudly and incessantly every single day.
In fact, he’s Coward Nutlick’s boss!
If I don't get mine? Call me Luigi and I'll find you.
Of course his MIL wouldn’t miss a check, if her SIL gives her even 0.001% of his wealth to get by.
I never realized just how big a kunt Lutnik actually is - fucking enormous - that's how big. What a thoroughly despicable, self-important prick.
Trump is only the frontman in this attack on the American mind.
The attack is really coming from the anti-democracy movement: JD Vance; and Vance’s and Peter Thiel convinced Trump to make Vance vice president; and from Thiel’s early business partner, Elon Musk. you have an opportunity to do some dunkin
It would be a shame if his mother in law’s house caught fire
Definitely needs to be a commercial now.
He's an idiot! 🤮
I'm a senior who received Social Security Disability every month. You take my income away and I won't be able to afford my lot rent for my MH that is fully paid for. I WILL LOSE EVERYTHING!! I WILL BE HOMELESS!! 🤬🖕
Every accusation is an admission.
"A fraudster always makes the loudest noise..."
No one complains more than DJT.
Let's say that THIS GENT is made to sit at home with no money...and see whether he becomes "A FRAUDSTER"!
I am a 76 year old senior and I have paid into it since I was 14 and continue to pay in as a substitute teacher. I depend on my Social Security to support myself and two grandchildren. I would definitely be hurt by not getting my earned benefit. I am not a fraudster.
Mark Cuban
So when Elon complains about vandalism…

Or when The Felon King complains about, well everything…

And when do I get my DOGE-Rebate-Check from the 50% Pentagon budget cut that The Felon King promised on the campaign trail?
What universe do these people live in?
Tell me more about how the elites don’t understand regular Americans.
Fraudster would never complain. They don't want to draw attention. So not only is he evil, he is also lying.
Trump and his minions are giving the Dems SO much ammunition, it's ridiculous.

The airwaves should be filled with ads, or at the very least, them appearing on every available news show every hour of every day (which is free).

I cannot adequately express how angry this makes me.
I can!
Lies. Completely out of touch.
The Dems need their own megaphone like MAGA has to with the righty media ecosystem that they can use to put this stuff on blast.
He is obviously a criminal.
Mis logic
People who live off of social security (a lot of people, including my own relatives) need it every month. All of it. They would absolutely notice and rightly go apoplectic if payments didn't come.
It's all I have. I've been retired since the end of 2016. SS is my ONLY income.
SS is a bit of "extra" $ for me. But I know people who absolutely could not get by without it. Oh, and this guy is willfully misinterpreting the judge's order. Ass.
Who's going to reimburse us and fix our credit when we incur late fees and penalties for late payments? Guess who benefits?
You know who else will complain? All of his billionaire mortgage lender buddies when they don't get their money.
systems are being dismantled by people who don’t understand what purpose they were created to serve in the first place. Imagine amateur house-flippers, swinging sledgehammers and knocking down interior walls without regard to whether those walls might be load-bearing, then marveling when roof caves
Great analogy!
like for example???

“This clip is 24 seconds long.

If there are still billionaires who are not Republicans, one of them should turn this into an ad and make sure everyone in America sees it”
Agree, play this daily on X and TilTok!!!
So completely out of touch with the real world.
He just described F45 and Musk lol

Whoever screams the loudest is a fraud!
Bloomberg? Hanauer? Steyer?
Why is his filthy rich mother in law even taking SS? She's selfish.
lol you can see them like… uhh man I dunno if you want to say that
Well, it's comforting to know that the mother of a billionaire is going to be ok if she misses a social security check. WHEW!
Starting with his mom
His mother-in-law's home is on a golf course, which has 4 dining venues. I'm sure they would extend her credit for the month, if her SS check didn't come in. So out of touch.
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So apparently if you don’t receive your Social security check, you won’t care at all. This guy better stay away from the public saying shit like this.
Dems are doing just fine in terms of paying for their own commercials..god knows the fund raising texts are out of control again….
A billionaire in a [sham] position of power calling 73M people receiving their own hard earned money invested in govt program, IMPLEMENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT, known as Social Security, being called fraudsters, can only be seen as a cavalier disregard of the facts, out of malice and pure ignorance.
What a lutnick.
On 9/11 my FDNY husband left 343 of his brothers and 40% of his lung capacity at the World Trade Center. He still has nightmares where he hears the sound of bodies hitting the pavement. When he complains you want to tell him to his face he’s a fraud?
There are not the right words to tell you how sorry I am. Lutnick does not have a clue what it is like to sacrifice.
Bit like ducking witches. If they drown, they were innocent. If they floated then they were a witch, and were burned at the stake.
At least real mobsters have humanity, this guy would push his mother in front of a bus to save his own ass.
The mobster vibe is strong with this cocksucker.
How does his body even function without a heart?
"I oppose universal healthcare *and* a livable federal minimum wage -- it's been $7.25 since 2009 -- yet it's YOUR FAULT if you have no savings and have to rely on SocSec to pay for rent and food."

Fuck these idiots/monsters.


This is outrageous. Needs to be spread far and wide. Clueless billionaires like Lutnick must be exposed and shamed. could fund this
Would that be run out of money before the month ends. Let him feel the pain.
He's too old to be a Bond villain. But the voice and mannerisms are right.
People wouldn’t eat!
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
What an idiot
He is woefully uninformed or criminally cynical. He needs to live check to check as a social security recipient - - even at the highest payout rate - - and discover what kind of lifestyle it would afford him; what groceries he could buy; where he could sleep. Millions do it. Let's see him even try.
Jailing people for complaining about not being paid on time. You would have jail half the country and most banks. Ahh. Now Greenland makes more sense
This guy has NO idea how most Seniors live. How does the Lincoln Project view Social Security?
My God, so Howie is branding anyone who complains as a fraudster??

I take back everything I said about violence.
I’m sure JB Pritzker will have something to say about it.
What a despicable person
In this post, I was telling a friend I did listen to the whole interview...
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Maybe a go fund me?
Those whimps agreeing with him no push back 🤬
He's right. Trump complains the loudest about EVERYTHING.
Wow. There he is wearing a slick fancy suit threatening to accuse people reliant on social security of fraud if they try to get the check owed to them.
I don't doubt a 94yo woman wouldn't complain. She may have dementia or would assume someone in her family would do the complaining for her.
Next protest is at his house.
The #LincolnProject will put this into an ad.
🙋‍♀️I’m am apparently a willing fraudster because I want my earned SS.
He’s saying this so that when you complain people will think you’re a fraudster. Setting up the narrative ahead of time. Bastards.
He’s a damn billionaire. Why in the world would his 94 year old MIL even need to draw a SS check.
Lets go protest at a car lot!!
this is what happens when you are drugged on FOX News
BS, if I don’t get my check bills don’t get paid. Now that snap is gone my mom might go with food. Fraudsters I’ll scream at the top of my lungs you asshat!
Such an out-of-touch oligarch that he handed off Cantor Fitzgerald to his dipshit, failed rapper, twentysomething crypto bro sons. Fuck Howard, fuck his mother-in-law, fuck the whole shitty family….
The same man who thinks that everyone has 30000 $ to buy a Musk-robot to do your house cleaning ?
And actually believes it would be $30k. "Musk Robots" will probably just be people who lose all their money to XPay and get a Neuralink chip forced upon them to work off their debt in indentured servitude and get leased out to rich lazy people.
I will write a letter TODAY to Mr. Lutnick to say that I am NOT a Social Security scammer, that I have been checking my and my wife's Social Security deposits every month since Trump began dismantling the govt., and that I would DEFINITELY complain the minute I didn't see those deposits. Screw him.
Something is wrong with that guy. 🤔
He’s a capitalist pig
I'll tell you what's wrong, he's never had to live paycheck to paycheck so he's completely ignorant to the repercussions
I think it’s more than that, but that’s a start!
He's a sociopath.
And has to be a rapist, pedophile or drunk to fit in the club
Next door neighbor, close business associate and friend of Jeffrey Epstein. So yeah... that's a "fit".
love how all 3 of these guys are full on scammer billionaires
Fuck you! I’m 84, have no other income except for Social Security. If I didn’t get my check this month, I would starve and be homeless. These millionaires and billionaires have not one iota of an idea what it’s like living in Social Security.
Well that's a "Let them eat cake" clip for sure.
Time for the PEOPLE to remove the fraudsters that make these kind of authoritarian speeches. What a disconnected fool this brainless billionaire is!
He's trying to plant the seeds against those impacted if they get no checks. That they're fraudsters when they yell because they can eat, buy medicine, or pay rent. What a piece of ...
This social security recipient does not respond to insults or threats of theft of my money. If 71 million people become homeless or without needed medical care with nothing left to lose? What a stupid billionaire that man is. We aren't dead yet.

Enough said.
He should be very careful about shooting his mouth off like that. When Trumpenmusk stop the gov from issuing SS checks he may become the first man in recent history to be tarred and feathered by a mob of retired folks (who know what tarred and feathered means!!!).
It just might mean the person complaining doesn’t have the money to afford to skip a months SS cheques. Just maybe they really need the money, for like food.
He's lying. My father is 94 if something happens he's calling. Lying mf!!!!
So we can assume Trump would complain
As someone that has been on hold for three consecutive days waiting to get help, I'm spitting fire
When will millionaires let alone billionaires quit crying about what we the people receive when they have the World by the ASS?………
When you don’t have to worry about where your next meal is coming from sure otherwise this is moronic.😡😡😡😡
That guy wouldn’t even give his mother a bag of groceries if the check didn’t show up.
Traitor. Literal scum of the earth. All of them. I am so mad. SO MAD
His mother in law, who doesn’t really need the SS (thanks to a billionaire son in law) is the fraudster here! SS was not created for oligarchy families.
It was created for everyone.
It is our only program that is not means-tested.
It was created that way so that every American had a stake in the program.
Just adding context, not nay-saying.
They are absolutely STEALING OUR MONEY.
Okay, I agree for everyone. FDR did not discriminate, in any way. My point is, the fraudsters (and hypocrites) are the super wealthy; not lower and middle class folks. The “let them eat cake” attitude will backfire on them.
One more point. This attitude is an attack, outright war, on the middle and lower classes. Most of us. The attitude of the Trump administration is we are breaking rules, we are fraudsters for speaking up, we need to sacrifice our rights and wealth. All for them and the country. This is bad!
You are absolutely right.
The brainwashed masses are either pretending this is not happening or cheering for it.
If Musk is successful, millions of elderly and crippled Americans will be poured onto the streets to die.
(typo fix: all for the sake of themselves and for country). Musk is a big evil with grandeur plans. Soon, if not already, he will have access to all government data, everything about everyone. He can manipulate all elections and all our futures. This is sinister Big Brother, closer than we think.
Pure fascism. Textbook. What shits, to suggest those that complain (“yell the loudest”) are fraudsters. What these oligarchs/billionaires are doing is making any one that resists as the enemy. Which is all of us.
For most people those checks are their retirement, earned and stored safely away after years of doing a good job honestly. Most have very small pensions if any and relatively no healthcare. All of their bills, including their mortgage is paid with the social security and they live check to check.
They seem to forget abt united health care