Qualities I want in my #healthcarerepresentative or #healthcareadvocate:
- respects my wishes
- great listener/ communicator
- fierce advocate for me
- not easily overwhelmed by stress
What else would you add?
#palliativecare #endoflife
- respects my wishes
- great listener/ communicator
- fierce advocate for me
- not easily overwhelmed by stress
What else would you add?
#palliativecare #endoflife
I'm going to trust her experienced wisdom, and so I'd like her to take an active role in bringing up potential sticky wickets that I hadn't even considered yet.
I’d add: Is willing to *understand* my wishes (even if theirs would be different) so they can be a knowledgeable advocate for me.
And: Understands that my wishes could change, so is willing to talk with me about them multiple times.