Oooh 4, I've never played an Ace Combat before, 3 looked really cool (the japanese version with the story in tact) but idk anything about the ps2 versions.
I didn't play 0 until much later in my life but it was also very good, I loved the way it let you choose a path to go down, all the ps2 ace combats were so good
out of the ps2 games I liked 5 the best, even though 4 is very nostalgic, They all emulate well on pcsx2, sometimes on 4 the ground turns into triangles but that's the only problem I had with it
lode runner is fucking everywhere. there's like over 60 some releases including ports and sequels. I recently played the pc engine ones and they were terrible!
Recently my brain has been stuck on Monster Hunter 2 Dos but with the Capcom Conquest that is an inevitability so I am looking forward to that. I suppose an actual suggestion would be the PS2 Yakuzas, especially 1's goofy english dub.
2 Dos will happen for sure.. I love Monster Hunter now... but Yakuza has always been interesting to me! I feel torn because I think Kiryu has a perfect JP voice but Ichiban has a perfect EN voice, I fear the day I inevitably play Like a Dragon 8
I'm glad you liked it! That was one of my favorite streams last year hahaha I love getting more creative with the concept of streams. I'll try to keep thinking of fun involved ideas!
I'd say the interactions with cast as well as the greater creymal interactions with each other. Then there are the boss fights, they felt unique, like most had some gimmick unique.
Deathbulge's game Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands. Mostly because I met the guy who made it and told him I'd do everything I could to convince streamers to play it. I wouldn't want to be a liar.
Absolutely! Its what got me into the franchise. I saw the movie beforw, didnt understand it, then i played this and watched Stand Alone Complex years later and understold everything and loved it.
also, Shockingly intuitive. You wouldn't know from screenshots and videos, but all those moves you do, like climb walls and do dashes, are all VERY easy to do and you can learn the game quickly. I cannot geek out enough on how much I love this game!
The other furry game... I loved Tail Concerto and what I played from the FUGA demo made me emotional. So Solatorobo is a must play! Do you know if it relies much on the touch screen?
Okie cuz I can do it, but if something is super touch screen oriented I'd probably wanna use my tablet hahaha but if it's minimal touching I'd stick to the mouse for an easier time
I also refuse to say anything about it lol
I was watching the pumpkin carving vod a few days ago and I think creative stuff like that is fun to tune into
The thrash gromit bit is too good to pass up
Plus that new one came out at chrimas