I think Trump is behind this to rein in President Musk. He needs to be sure everyone realizes who is in control. Once the tech bros get the message, all will calm down.
I think he's been convinced by the tech bros that he is going to make a lot of money by switching from the dollar to crypto currency. Which is what Russia has done to evade sanctions.
His only strength are the ground troops,thick or not,
He doesn't need south African snakes money, he will soon have fort Nox,and American tax payers money,muskats money,is irrelevant.
He’s trying to figure out which side will “win”. Then swoop in to look like he picked the winner. And I think he’s keeping Bezos in reserve in case he decides he has to dump Musk. After all, the other tech broligarchs won’t abandon access to power if Musk goes down.
Francis Underwood : Such a waste of talent. He chose money over power - in this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes. Money is the Mc-mansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.
I can’t believe instead of getting ready to celebrate Harris’s inauguration, the continuing tradition of the rule of law and a flourishing democracy in this country we’re all consumed with this. How far we’ve fallen…
He’s the one in charge now. He certainly has used these two teams against each other since he has been called vice president to Musk. It’s middle school mentality.
If he sides with muskrat then MAGAts will turn on him and we win. If he side with MAGAts then he looses his true love $. And we all know he doesn't care about his cult followers.
He won't have have to. He will say some middling bullshit that normal people with a functioning brain will see right through, but his idiotic supporters will parrot back in his defense. We've been here for 10 years now. Stop with these takes.
Sadly, I think he'll stick to what he's known for, and follow the $. He's been bought and paid for by Musk, not sure how he'll get rid of him, but it needs to happen, and soon. He has never cared about MAGA, they were (still are) just his gravy train.
The money will dictate tramps decision nothing else.
Magas will be mad but tramp will somehow manage to appease them with chants of "lock her up" and"2nd ammendment" and they will feel loved again
If it goes on in such a pace once he is officially in office, he’ll definitely make true of his promise that his supporters (and everyone else) won’t have to vote ever again. Then the world will be a very dystopian place rules by greedy racist billionaires… Let’s hope I’m wrong
He will side with the one that has the most dirt on him. My guess is that Musk is the one with the most resources to dig up dirt, pay for dirt and who in the doesn't give a fuck about the US and can move anywhere he wants.
He’s going to go where the money is, but he won’t abandon the cultists, either. We will see the worst of both worlds. We will still see the deportations and the camps, with the glaring contradiction for the H1B visas, while they dismantle the Department of Education and feed the “elite.”
He'll stick with the money until someone bites him in the ass, then he'll dump them, assuming he got what he wanted out of them. His cult will go along with whatever he tells them to, but I'm sure a few will stray.
Agree. You can always go back to the rubes, they will believe anything they are told to believe. the tech bros will eventually get sick of the kissing the ring. they are the "alpha males" of their own fiefdoms and don't like to bend down for a 2 bit conman who got lucky in a grift scheme.
Good question. But don't you think the bromance is on shaky ground? Even a ride on SpaceX to Mars isn't enough "space" for these megalomaniacs. So MAGA
The Maga cultists have delivered the presidency, so Trump no longer has a need for them. The Tech Bros can still bring a lot of money, so that is where his allegiance will lie.
ThIs is what we all knew would happen, Trump is completely dazzled by Musk's money, and completely oblivious to Musk's agenda, to make more money via cheap foreign workers or slave labor. Bottom line, Trump is for sale, along with polices, via Executive Orders, at America's detriment!
It'll be cake & eat it as it always is with Trump ie he'll tell whatever audience is in front of him exactly what they want to hear, even if it directly contradicts what he said the week before
Both! And neither! And then both again. He will flip flop and gyrate, back and forth and lie to the tech bros faces and lie behind their backs and the cultists will lap up every lie and repeat his lies over and over. The man can't side with anyone and stay on a side. He is a snake.
Money, it's a crime
Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie
Money, so it's said
It's the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise
It's no surprise that they're giving none away.. Pink Floyd.
He will attempt to appease both to continue to receive money/power. The inauguration will be the grand show . He will throw a bone here and there starting with pardoning the 6er’s. Votes not needed anymore. His base has never realized he’s not for the working class . Drama=$media=free propagabda
There are at least 270 million reasons why Drumpf will dump MAGA like they were a bad girlfriend and snuggle up to the carpetbagging, South African emerald mine heir.
Trump’s presidency will be chaos unleashed: MAGA cultists, tech bros, crypto investors, foreign adversaries, and the religious right all fighting for influence.
With no electorate to face, his decisions will be unchecked and unpredictable - a bidding war for America.
The tech bros helped get Fat Hitler “elected”, which was their first payment on his full purchase. I think they will make him an offer he can’t refuse to step aside for Vance. Putin’s Puppet is way too unpredictable and unreliable for Elon et al and their plans. Vance will do exactly as he’s told.
Baron’s an Elon bro, and Trump likes being the “cool dad,” so I’m betting he tilts tech.
At this point it hardly matters. The dude’s getting everything he wants, so he doesn’t give a shit about MAGA anyway. LOL actually never did. They were just a means to an end.
He’s fine with them going at each other and he’s fairly skilled at speaking out both sides of his mouth. He doesn’t need his cult followers anymore but he’s well aware they all have guns 😬
He's not up for re-election so doesn't need his base anymore!.
Siding with his cult would imply he has some kind of principle. Yeah, no. So what is even the question here?
Sooo Painful watching the Criminals & Rich ppl Play Main st America like FOOLS while Democracy Dies!
That includes politicians & unfortunately what's left of the DoJ
Wake up & Slam on the Brakes,, or Game Set Match
He doesn't need south African snakes money, he will soon have fort Nox,and American tax payers money,muskats money,is irrelevant.
the split with president musk was inevitable
rump throws everyone under the bus
why do they not see that
Money or power?!?!?
His biggest supporter, Pres Elon, believes Americans are too stupid to be trained for engineering jobs!
He wants H1 Visa people to do those jobs and will fight for them beyond your already limited comprehension
Trump is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND disagreeing!
Whoops! 😆
(And China.)
(And Saudi Arabia.)
However, I don't think he will be public until he can create a distraction within minutes after so the news cycle quickly shifts
Get some popcorn
He’s now just a face; that’s it.
Elon and Stephen Miller are posting on X using The Orange One’s account. They will be spoon-feeding ‘the face.’
Magas will be mad but tramp will somehow manage to appease them with chants of "lock her up" and"2nd ammendment" and they will feel loved again
Ask yourself "which of these two groups have disposable incomes," and "does Trump love money or people?"
Dictators, drug cartel leaders and Mafia bosses survive by having constant infighting amongst underlinks.
Trump don’t need the MAGA cultists anymore. They are…..WERE……useful idiots who have served their purpose. (He’ll still try to grift cash out of them.)
He’s solidly aligned with the billionaire tech bros now.
The MAGAs are suckers now.
There you go again trying to parse chaos.
Share it fairly, but don't take a slice of my pie
Money, so it's said
It's the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise
It's no surprise that they're giving none away.. Pink Floyd.
Of course it’s the money
MAGA cultists. He got what he wanted out of Musk (White House) and no longer needs his wealth.
With no electorate to face, his decisions will be unchecked and unpredictable - a bidding war for America.
Followed by meaningless gibberish that can't be assembled into a complete sentence.
As Tя☭mp has now confirmed.
Seriously tho, he’ll just agree with musk and his base will immediately do a 180 and yell about the lib media telling lies.
At this point it hardly matters. The dude’s getting everything he wants, so he doesn’t give a shit about MAGA anyway. LOL actually never did. They were just a means to an end.