Trump and Vance set up this brawl antagonizing Zelensky in front of cameras for Putin and China and MAGA to see!
It was quite evident so he could show them a real bully pulpit! No one fell for it, but it was sadly not good for our allies either!
I feel some very interesting Venn diagrams could be made looking at the overlaps with the pro-“lifers”, MAGAs, anti-vaxers, and Neo Nazis/ hate groups.
All of them in an age of science and knowledge at their fingertips. It feels like the most backwards dark ages…in the year 2025.
Do not spend time with anti-vaxxers if you want to live. Make sure you get vaccinated .
Science will win in the end. We can survive this stupidity. Believe in the good in humanity. The saddest thing is all the unnecessary death of the children. But this is what they wanted and created. For all of us
Gov employees be advised: On Monday many of you will receive yet another shitshow email and once again you will be asked to reply with your glorious accomplishments they could take out of your position description. Stay strong out there !
It was quite evident so he could show them a real bully pulpit! No one fell for it, but it was sadly not good for our allies either!
One cuckoo flu over the birds' nest?
Or was it avian cardiac arrest?
Do the birds need to be vaxxed?
Or will the people be masked?
Are the leaders still sane?
Or will we all die in pain?
Does anybody care?
Or should we even dare?
Its just not fair!
All of them in an age of science and knowledge at their fingertips. It feels like the most backwards dark ages…in the year 2025.
will be interesting to see how many cult45 uneducated uninformed bigots will succumb ☠️ to their own ignorance!?.
shiton of darwin awards being gifted 🎁 by leopards 🐆 devouring faces.
crazy tragic for innocent folks that will suffer & die in their vile 🤮 wake.
Science will win in the end. We can survive this stupidity. Believe in the good in humanity. The saddest thing is all the unnecessary death of the children. But this is what they wanted and created. For all of us