That was sofa king pathetic for someone whose face is on a book titled “The Art of the Deal”. But in all fairness, yesterday’s performance had little to do with any actual deal.
Imagine if Trump ran the SALT talks back in the 70’s…half the US would be a radioactive crater, and the other half would be flying the hammer and sickle.
So it looks like the art of the deal is just to threaten, intimidate, insult, bully, then throw a tantrum if they don't comply. It's almost like we've all been lied to from the beginning....🤔
The way this whole thing went down smells of a bad plan. Trump could have done this on the phone but of course if it’s not on tv it’s not real to him. You t feels like Putin could have had his fingers in this.
He treats foreign policy like he treats a business deal. There must be a monetary incentive or there is no deal. Every decision has a transactional side to it.
What was your first clue? He broke NAFTA and negotiated a marginally worse than it. Blamed Biden and now is proceeding to burn up his lousy deal. 3 amigos are no more.
Trying to understand how people ever believed a “great deal maker” went bankrupt so many times and walked away from his obligations. It’s not a deal to take your ball and walk away when you are losing
You do realise the reason they havent traversed Ukraine is the Ukrainian army, dufus? I'm not name calling, just presenting facts. Heres one more, 5 percent of the defense budget has reduced the Russian war capabilty by more than 50 percent. With no American forces involved.
Why don't you wear a suit? -For about the same reason that Johnny Cash wore black. And here's what you and I would do when ALL of our country might be bombed anytime. I know what war is.
I can’t stand when I hear someone say something about him being this great deal maker. He wrote the book Art of the Deal. It wasn’t like someone observed him being a great negotiator and wrote the book. Ugh.
Don's a THIEF. These are the agencies Don the Con has closed and will no longer fulfill services: 1) feed hungry kids; 2) provide medical care; 3) aid families who have lost their homes; 4) demand that corporations don't pollute; 5) promote education.
Brian Glenn asks a fake question only to ridicule Zelinsky as JD Vance laughs. This whole meeting was a Qanon set up. There were no real journalists there asking questions. It was all right-wing pieces of shit!
Yes and they have somehow managed to convince people again that they witnessed right before their eyes was not in fact what they saw. How can anyone see the video and think that Zelensky was in the wrong? Mind boggling.
As an architect who practiced in New York during Trump’s “heyday”, please know many, many in the NYC’s development and / or construction worlds already knew this. DT was known for being a serial non-payer and money launderer. This was more than 25 yrs ago - the writing was on the wall.
It does..I mean..if you look or listen to the rethuglicans..zelensky came in and started the whole thing..just like he did the war..
We are a broken and disgraced country💙🦋
A lousy deal maker indeed! But he is happy to bring corruption to the US. Here is a quote from CNN newletter:
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau abruptly dropped cases against several companies accused of ripping off consumers.
The power of his Art of the Deal has always been extortion. And the motivation is to get out from under those commitments that no longer serve his purposes or agenda.
I don’t know the GOP realizes it either they’re gonna be voted out or if we’re in a dictatorship there isn’t any Congress in dictatorship either way they lose
The most foolish part was Trump “showing his cards” while yelling about card holding. He went off about how our aid gives Ukraine an advantage, and how that’s wrong. But his strategy of “deal making” is all about advantage, and leverage. Trump displayed how much he has been compromised.
It was planned
MTG's BF's line was all about wearing a suit right? Not rehearsed at all Right?Anyone notice who WASN'T there??
JD shows up but can't even defend his lines. the TASS reporter "snuck in"?Rubio??
The RW media was there in force.
BUT pResident Elonia and his human shield were absent?
In “fairness” I sincerely doubt the intent was ever to make a deal in the first place. That said, if it WAS to try to humiliate Zelenskyy or harm his image on the public stage, it also failed *spectacularly.*
Of course, in the course of history, presidents have had tact, luck, and diplomacy to deal with such situations. Trump has none of these qualifications, nor does he have the learning potential to use them. Trump will just spout what Russia tells him.
Trump is such a great dealmaker that when he dealt with the Afghans, we had to release 3,000 of their terrorists, and they made the Sec of State (so competent and memorable that I can't remember his name), but they made him sign a paper saying that the USA surrendered to the Afghans. We got 0.
After Donald Trump and J.D. Vance’s recent diplomatic debacle with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, I thought it might be helpful to contrast the current administration’s approach with that of President Jimmy Carter:
Trump showed his real age yesterday. Vance showed his lack of maturity yesterday.
If Zelensky approached Xi with a minining/security deal it would go through. A deal like that would wipe trump and putin from the negotiating table for years.
If you asked most of the maga senators and congressmen he wins you over by threatening and yelling at you. He does not negotiate, he bullies.
Zelensky did great showing America and the world what they have to deal with for the next 4 years.
Everything is a WWE wrestling match in his pea brain. Art of the Deal is whoever is tougher, louder, meaner in the ring. He never got past his childhood.
President Zelenskyy should agree to wear a suit to the White House if Donald Trump agrees not to wear Estée Lauder Goddess Bronzer and JD Vance not to wear MAC Brushstroke 24-Hour Eyeliner……So disrespectful.
~Leagal this is my opinion I say this as observer only.
That's not negotiating, not diplomatic, it's SOCIOPATHIC.
Orange clown looked like a fool on camera and throwing a tantrum.
Again, I am a failed Pacifist:(
Two birds with one stone.
But yeah, dreadful dealmaker and an even worse human.
Deport ofVladimir
It doesn't help that he's a dimwit.
There goes his Noble Peas Price, too, huh.
It's like this guy is special needs but only about politics.
We are a broken and disgraced country💙🦋
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau abruptly dropped cases against several companies accused of ripping off consumers.
Trump has a 73 IQ and a 4th grade reading level. He's not a smart man. He's not a good businessman. He's not a wise or moral man.
It doesn't take intelligence to be born into a wealthy family, just luck, and Trump is the luckiest son of a bitch I've ever seen.
If you ever get him out I foresee another amendment that any president or member of the executive committee must have a 140+ IQ
It was planned
MTG's BF's line was all about wearing a suit right? Not rehearsed at all Right?Anyone notice who WASN'T there??
JD shows up but can't even defend his lines. the TASS reporter "snuck in"?Rubio??
The RW media was there in force.
BUT pResident Elonia and his human shield were absent?
It was ever thus.
“The Art of the No-Deal”
A compilation of failure……..
I guess more know this.
If Zelensky approached Xi with a minining/security deal it would go through. A deal like that would wipe trump and putin from the negotiating table for years.
Zelensky did great showing America and the world what they have to deal with for the next 4 years.