LOL. The time to worry was in 2015 when Morning Joe thought it would be a good idea, good for ratings, to let Trump have all the airtime that he wanted.
It’s more than $$ deprivation and our prosperity at stake, it’s our freedom to live as we want and be who we want and say what we want, and Americans really need to connect our money with our ability to design and live our own lives. Not having money sucks, losing our freedom means we can’t say it.
we are plenty worried - I think we are just going tp stop getting our checks maybe next month - any ideas of how to get through to the Dems to get off their assess?
That boomer crowd is the most brainwashed red hats, maybe if they start starving it’ll snap them out of it. Bring it.
Once we impeach and jail the orange one, we can fix it back.
Please don't lump us all together. A majority of boomers are not Magats. Most of my friends are lifetime liberal Dems. Ageism is not helpful here. We stick together or all hang separately
Elon Musk has become Donald Trump‘s comfort dog. DJ Trump doesn’t feel comfortable or at peace without him nearby. I wonder how Elon feels about being his dog. Trump is committing treason and needs to be stopped permanently. It’s up to you you cowards in the Senate you cowards in the Congress all
Musk could offer buyouts to folks on SS of between $500,000 and $1,000,000 each from his personal account and not make a dent … we’d get out and he’d be done with it.
Impeach Trump Now, for not fulfilling his sworn duty to protect The CONSTITUTION! #ImpeachTrumpNow. #SocialSecurity.. #YourSocialSecurity.. time to PROTECT YA Social Security!! Yall know who you are, speak out now!! Call now, your Senators and Reps Now!
If you think of #Trump as the nasty Aliens in the movie Independence Day, maybe you will see what he’s doing. Price gouging is out of control 😢 We kicked our 🇬🇧 extreme right wing government after 14 years. The country is wrecked, roads, schools crumbling, food and energy prices out of control 😢
The AARP is finally waking up. They sent out a call to action a couple of days ago. Hopefully the boomers will have learned something from their parents who fought Nazism.
Respectfully…Boomers includes the 60’s generation…most of whom are quite familiar and experienced in various and multiple resistance efforts—like exposing the lies and criminality of “Tricky Dicky” Nixon—who…you may recall… was forced to resign.
SKIP THE STATE OF THE UNION TONIGHT AND SIGN UP FOR THIS FREE ZOOM MEETING INSTEAD! We'll be joined by Prof. Timothy Snyder, who wrote the book On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. Sign up:
It's happening before our eyes.. the United States is done. We are the pariah of the world. All we do is sell arms, sex and drugs and destroy all other countries. Now we will be destroyed from within. Everyone better get humbl
Dudek reminds me of the weirdo IT guy in the office space next to our department who got into the food for our departments pot luck before lunch and cut a square of cream cheese frosting off the cake - just the frosting, leaving the cake behind. Revenge of the basement dwelling, red stapler guy. 😳
You are delusional if you think Harris, who backed the Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people, has your interests at heart. Read up on Third Way ( and see where the Dems are heading. All they care about is saving their pampered asses.
The only interest they had was that they're racist pigs and didn't want a black female president, now we're all stuck with the asshole we have, hopefully not much longer
He would send the military to "suppress" the protesters, in other words kill if they got the slightest inclination that they were getting violent. I'm not disagreeing with you, we have to protect ourselves as well, that's what the second amendment is really for unlike what the magtards say it's for.
Yes. Because we have waited too long, hoping for an easy solution. But there is no easy solution. And there will be blood. I just hope a good measure of it will be billionaire blood.
Too many who rely on these programs don't think the changes will impact them. They believe it will only harm the left and the immigrants who can't collect a penny from SSA. Their media is still lying to them. They will only realize once it's too late.
I think I'm still in the denial stage...I can't believe that honest hard working citizens are being thrown to the wolves by this abomination of a government. Terrified.
I can believe it. We don't matter and we never did. I never thought I'd be at the point of hoarding my pills just in case I have to leave on my own terms. I go to bed crying, I wake up crying. I'm having panic attacks all day long.
I'm so sorry, this is unconscionable. We aren't getting anything free here, we paid for it and they are threatening that safety net. You aren't the first person I seen that had the same plan to hoard their pills and that is a tragedy.
I understand law suits against some of their other attacks have been ineffective… but Social Security is different… this was NEVER THEIR MONEY. The American People need to fight back on this… it is NOT their money.
I love how billionaires tell us about how we don’t need what we actually paid for. The same billionaires that get 38 BILLION Dollars in government subsidies! Thats bullshit.
Trump hasn't got a fucking clue what's going on. When someone in his administration does something stupid, he just amplifies it...because he can never be wrong.
Seniors & those who only watch FOX (& other media liars/ propagandists) have been indoctrinated for a very long time. Trump & billionaire buddies literally own today’s media. These deviants wouldn’t have mega-political power if it wasn’t for today’s tainted GOP & SCOTUS. All Americans must BEWARE!
Social security is there to protect us, to have some safety net. We collectively pay into it and ensure those in true need have something. So many are reliant on this. Do we want old people out in the streets dying? Cruelty is the point.
If they interrupt social security this will be a FAFO moment for them.
Even a one week interruption in benefits would cause a level of economic chaos, that would be remembered long past the midterms.
Firing 10s of thousands of federal workers, imposing tariffs on our allies, cutting Medicaid & delaying the only income source for millions will certainly reduce the price of eggs.
Make sure you thank Trump voters & 90M eligible voters who stayed home because they didn’t like either candidate.
There may BE accounts in the SS database that are 100+ year old people, but few to NONE are getting paid. Most are dormant, OR stolen numbers being used by migrants so they can work, and pay INTO SS, but never collect a penny.
I kept wondering, why WHY! hasn't someone stepped in and grabbed those guys by the collar and ended this before the country is in shambles? Then it occurred to me, the country (particularly MAGA) might have to take a beating in order to ensure another Trump-like leader doesn't rise up in his place.
Musk needs to go away
This video is close to going viral on YouTube. Please watch to the end and help send a powerful message 🙏🏻❤️
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#2: I don’t just fight to save my own SS. I want it to be available to my son and my nephews and nieces and grand-whatevers and everyone.
Straw that breaks the camels back
Once we impeach and jail the orange one, we can fix it back.
I live in Texas and it’s the older crowd that exhibit the most stubborn refusal to see the truth.
He is a dictator that makes others look easy. This is the worst...
liar "says?"
in the words of the late great Tony Todd in "The Rock", "I want my FUCKING money!"
#WTAF ‼️💥
Let the class war being.
Even a one week interruption in benefits would cause a level of economic chaos, that would be remembered long past the midterms.
Make sure you thank Trump voters & 90M eligible voters who stayed home because they didn’t like either candidate.
We have got to start standing up for ourselves and our nation. The time is now.
Start by calling your reps.