Then go get some arms because that's how we're going to do it and the somebody is US everybody. Let your anger find your courage arm up organize the storm is coming and we are the storm
Exactly, I boycott and do my best to avoid shopping at certain places or just hold my money all I can. But of course this isn't the kind of action many are starting to ask for
Exactly. I'm agreeing with OP but also showing that they are not infallible to this either, no one really is. The fact that he is participating in that behavior is what seals in the point.
Nobody wants to be the first to rush the armed guards and take a bullet. So we all march quietly to our mass grave, pushed along by a handful of evil men.
How to counter the trumpfluence, if he knocks it down, then build it up if he builds it up, then knock it down, reverse the value he puts on something.
This may be true, but for most of us who are calling, writing, trying to just keep up and fight back, it’s not very nice. I voted, tried to dispel misinformation, donated what I could, and yet I can do little other than be on my phone trying to manage the world falling apart around me.
This group is a combination that feel it doesn’t make a difference to them who is elected. It doesn’t really affect them. Yet they yell when things do not go their way. Same people who engage in conversation. I know because I debate with them on facts.
(Wife kicking me under table don’t you do it)
This recent election I had a fight with family to get out and vote and my son. Parents as well. Like wholly F*K. I and a few friends volunteer to drive LTC & elders from retirement residence to go vote. But there was Mercedes van who picked them up to vote early weeks before. That must have been…
…CONservative candidates picking them up because they took them for brunch after. I spoke with some staff and said this group even brought lap tops to and had the LTC patients with dementia next to laptops. I am like WTF!
This is where I tend to side with the more leftist people around here. I'm not convinced your average liberal Democrat is interested in getting their hands dirty with revolution. I have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to be disgruntled MAGAts that throw the garbage can through the window.
Right? I was hoping for an out of control speech yesterday but got colour coordination message (boring) little black signs (boring) and when Al was tossed out, the entire Dem section should have went with him. What the hell? Now they are all #Putin's Puppets.
How far does Trump have to go in destroying his country before the members of Congress will impeach.
The world is on fire because of Trump and the only thing they do is just smile and clap.
Well my college has loss a lot of member of the democratic organization on campus. I just was elected as recruitment officer, I’m going to try my best.
I think most of us are self aware on this issue but I do enjoy the periodic texts calling us all out for posting and entreating us to do something when the poster is posting and nothing else.
Postcards to Voters is a really good effort. Plz go to your search engine to find it and get involved. Crucial races, esp special elections, are often decided by a handful of votes. Handwritten postcards from the likes of you can make the difference. The difference can be HUGE, like Wisconsin now.
We all know the cost -- People are scared and waiting for it to get to that very second before it's all but confirmed what we think is going on, is. I don't blame them... I do blame out elected officials, they (Should) know more about history than we do.
I personally think it's worth it... freedom has never been free.... well it was for a little bit there but then some boys didn't get laid in highschool, so here we are.
The Heritage Foundation is dictating policies for the Oval Office . These are the people pulling the puppet strings. Make their secretary quit. Tie up their phone lines. Be mean to them, annoy them, and make it difficult for them to retain employees.
This will help, actually, but you need to CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, MAIL LETTERS/POSTCARDS, OVERFILL THEIR EMAILS. And if you can, participate in local, state and National protests in person. They’re threatening people for legally protesting BECAUSE IT WORKS! Don’t back down!!!
There are many of us going to our local city halls, state capitals, and to DC. But, yes, we’re also calling our representatives to remind them to fight for us!
I get the idea, but I also hate these things bc it just makes disabled, chronically ill, and elderly ppl who may also be on a fixed income feel like shit when maybe spreading information is all they can do.
What you're doing is sooo important! And it should allow for others who can do different things to spend their time doing the different things, so we can all hit this on more fronts. If people weren't spreading info, how would we know what needs to be done. It's so much to keep up with. 💙
If we stand up together and fight back we will win! Call every day - over and over until they hear us! NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US! We have to do this on our own!
The Heritage Foundation is dictating policies for the Oval Office . These are the people pulling the puppet strings. Make their secretary quit. Tie up their phone lines. Be mean to them, annoy them, and make it difficult for them to retain employees.
I have also paid Ukraine for fighting against evil. It was just a few drones worth of my money. That make me feel like I'm helping, if even a small bit. Now to help with the Florida elections.
Unless Canada and Mexico want to help us with firepower I’m not sure the average American has the ability to do anything other than fill a voicemail or email inbox…. Scary I know
In 2012 here in Quebec, we had marches everyday for a 100 days because the government wanted to raise uni tuition from $2,168 to $3,793 between 2012 and 2018 (from wiki). Students fought so hard against it.
I just find it sad. Most of my feed is blue and I'm not seeing any leaders rising, I've seeing a few people sharing info for marches or pics but not a whole lot.
Now is the time to be enraged and raise hell. It will be more and more difficult later 😔
THAT⬆️⬆️⬆️ is precisely what I'm preaching. First of all used Trump as a motivation to get healthy. 2 hours a day minimum. Then we have to come up with ideas because there seems to be a lack of them with Democrat leadership. I propose we adopt purple to push into an engage voters.
Yes, funny we get our updates about our government on an Alt Right whackadoodle website owned by a dude from S Africa that wants to live on Mars with a ketamine addiction. Jus say'n.
I bought my yellow hat at Party City because it’s closing all its stores. I added a blue bow to wear a yellow and blue hat everyday in Red Hat Orange County.
Exactly…look up…look around…then become a leader that elevates everyone else to be a better version of themselves and a better version of democracy…it starts with myself…it starts with you…it starts with us
It has far less to do with ‘dem kids need to get off der phones!!’ and more citizens United accelerating 250 years of power being slowly shifted back from the people to the hands of a couple rich guys.
The only recourse those you’re decrying here is violence.
Seems like a place to start. Or pick just one mega company for everyone to have a highly focused, public, clear boycott.
How about Jack Daniels to start. Not too personally painful, have global support already.
I didn’t see you waving any protest signs in the street last week Jon, but the point is taken nonetheless.
The messaging needs to be that only the people will bring about change. Courts and politicians are useless with few exceptions, such as Pete Buttigieg, AOC and Jasmine Crockett.
Like this:
We are protesting , we are boycotting , we are talking to our Sen and reps . We need a mass strike bug that takes an organization and money , isn’t that what you did Jon strategy ?
If they're like me, disabled and in poverty, I get it, there's a very tight limit to what one can do in that situation. If they're able bodied,a decent financial positon: I don't get why they aren't doing something and they should be. The people who have the ability won't take the opportunity.
This is exactly why I’m protesting, calling my Representatives, calling my Senators, knocking on doors, making phone calls, countering disinformation on social media.
Yeah we all want something done, but unless we do it together, nothing's gonna change. It should be that the people in positions of authority would fight for us and stop the illegality: it is THEIR job.
This is why I gave grief to former Facebook friends for claiming they were staying on that platform "To fight Trump."
I don't know what it will take to finally defeat Trump.
But I know it won't happen behind a keyboard.
Maybe share the protests that are happening instead of being doommongers.
"A single person's influence has way more power than what you think they have"
This hits too close to home, but the problem isn't me complaining that our elected democrats are ignoring fascism, the problem is that our elected democrats actually have the ability to respond, but they are failing, hard.
Yet they tell me I am supposed to vote harder, exercising my power...
The cartoon really needs to be redrawn, showing all of our representatives writing eloquent complaints about Donald, telling us to organize and vote harder...
Absolutely agree. I can go out on the streets and the felon doesn't care. He's looking to declare martial law. Our Congress, tho, was elected to do EXACTLY this. The judiciary is compromised, the military/law enforcement questionable. Congress needs to lead - then the rest of us can make our moves.
Agreed. Don’t forget how the dems keep using this as a fundraiser too. They aren’t getting anymore of my money until they start taking real action - holding up tiny signs don’t count.
It’s time. The moment is here. Organize. Show up. Participate! Democracy is not a spectator sport. First, we organize, next we go Paris 1793 on these motherfuckers. Viva la revolución! See events below.
All are invited to stand with Veterans at the March in DC on March 14th! Show up. Be loud. Be HEARD! This is just the beginning. They work for US, not the other way around! Viva la revolución!
March 15th SHUTDOWN! No purchasing from Amazon March 7-14. (I quit a month ago. I keep a list & run errands instead of reflexively buying online.) I've seen both March 14th and 15th listed as National Strike. Participate when you can but make a plan and TAKE PART IN SAVING OUR COUNTRY! BE LOUD!✊
Until I see elected GOP representatives running for their lives from their constituents, the toon’s 💯 The #sotu and the passionate glee of the #GOP proved they DGAF about America or Americans (definitely not the poor, browner, or queer ones)
If the leaders step up we will follow. Random people making plans is not working. Where are the independents like AOC. The Democrats like Schiff. We need a leader. We need a u tier March in one place. Of course the in DC
And THIS is why We need to take the protests TO the news stations, news papers, AND radio stations
Hit any and all live broadcasts
Invite the news stations to events also, apparently that's a thing
We need to REMOND them they're the most expendable in a fascist regime
Bluesky is full of Americans liking each other's skeets complaining about Democrats sitting in Congress holding up their stupid signs, and they don't even see the irony.
This! Canadian here waiting for Americans to actually do something (loud, angry, and violent if need be) but all I see is tiny signs and heavily wrung hands.
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Taking one for the team is really hard. There's a reason servicemembers have to go through so much psychological breaking and rebuilding just to be able to do what's necessary against a *foreign* threat.
There needs to be a leader, better yet a group. They need to check in with info and inspiration. Organize rallies and resist campaigns. Elected officials, celebrities, musicians, anyone that has a large fan base and can lead and inspire! IMHO
March for Science this Friday at noon at the Lincoln memorial! Tesla Takedowns at dealerships across the country! Special elections every month. Join Indivisible! There is plenty to do!
We are fighting the battles to survive in many different areas bc there is so much chaos. I teach in higher ed, so focused on DEI EO; also on veterans. It doesn’t mean we don’t care about the rest of the issues. We are exhausted from our front line battles. Keep pushing back.
people really overestimate the amount of political efficacy Americans have, the system was not designed to serve the people’s interests. It’s operated on a basis of legalized bribery for as long as anyone can remember. There is no way to fix this from within and alternatives are illegal to discuss.
Okay, but not just any person can make the difference. There are plenty of people who are more qualified to handle this situation than me. If it falls on me, I honestly don't know how it's gonna turn out. It probably won't be pretty.
I mean, I definitely voice my opinion that elected representatives need to act. And by act, I don’t mean waving fancy professionally printed paddles around pretending like it accomplished anything.
My sentiments exactly!! It's obvious that we are not going to get any help from the congress or senate! Those folks are just a bunch of helpless boobs! I often wonder if they are not all working together (demos and redubs)!! Seems that way to me!
Honestly, I'm part of this problem. I want to hide behind my social anxiety and severe depression but we can't afford that and I have to start carrying my weight. Being outraged on the internet is a good start to give me momentum but the time to be out there is yesterday.
You can contact the Democrat National Committee & ask if you can help with getting Floridians & Wisconsin people to go vote in the very important special elections coming up. They provide an encrypted platform, use on your computer so you are private, secure and no phone line just internet.💙👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸🙏
This is me. My social anxiety keeps me away from groups but I've now found a couple friends willing to go to town halls and marches when they come up. I'm going to do this! No matter how much it makes my tummy twirl!
I believe actions are being taken in many ways by many people.
Politicians will rail against policies.
The quiet types won't advertise their activities.
Maybe it takes a crime to defeat a criminal.
Together we achieve success.
C'mon people! The best legislator in the world isn't a freakin magician. The courts can only do so much, especially if ignored. 70% of low-info Americans still don't know what's going on! Sound the alarm & build the pushback. Pass out flyers to people doing errands! Put signs in your yards! YOU! US!
The Heritage Foundation is dictating policies for the Oval Office . These are the people pulling the puppet strings. Make their secretary quit. Tie up their phone lines. Be mean to them, annoy them, and make it difficult for them to retain employees.
I'm basically doing the same thing on my computer using a keyboard and mouse, but I'm also MENTALLY DISABLED. Don't mind me. I've just been terrorized by the trump administration. That's all...
If we just had an opposition leader in the Dems we could rally and put up some resistance but so many of us feel lost as Dems, Independents and never-Trump Republicans.
I just cant understand how badly the dem leaders have let us down in this regard. Crockett is the closest we have & Id follow her
The silence from Dem leaders is deafening. Obama, HRC, Kamala…where are their voices? Why aren’t they getting involved and leading rallies? What does he HAVE over these people? It’s maddening 🤬😡🤬
That is the only thing that makes even the remotest sense, he’s threatened them or their families. Not one peep is just too out of character. This saddens me.
Well maybe cause you want the party that has been knee capped by voters to somehow save us. It is really up to the the people now. The Dems can protest & sue, but they have no legislative power or the numbers to oppose. So now we all have to rise up and realize this battle belongs to the people!
You are missing my point, none are speaking up or leading any real protests besides wearing matching shirts and holding silly signs in the Capitol building
4 years ago, the same picture applied to a different crowd. The difference is that they got organized, and now the picture is flipped. You see where this is leading, right? LET'S GET IT TOGETHER, FOLKS!
Screaming into the void provides some temporary relief and while it can be wonderful for dopameme hits and community building, this will only ever work when actions are taken IRL. Perhaps we should try screaming it wherever we are instead of typing it 🤷♀️ #saythewords #screamthewords
To lay out a strategy is a job for our sane leaders! It is not enough when Democratic leaders are running after Trump and disagree. If you are going to take the bull by the horns, you have to go ahead of the bull, not run after. It is possible even if we have to deal with a president…
Protests are completely legal. Don’t let the orange one fool you. He does NOT know the law. Peaceful protests are very much totally legal. He threatens because he knows protests work!
Look up what is going on in your community. Hound representatives with messages, letters, emails, faxes. Spread awareness. Talk to people in your life about what is happening. Volunteer. Start building community. Start preparing.
It's still legal to protest, boycott, call your representatives, pressure them to take action, to email companies & pressure them to take a stand. Don't comply in advance. Our Reps work for us. If they're not working against Krasnov, confront them with facts & demand action. And show up to protests!
We have been gathering every Wednesday in a little town on the coast of Maine. First week 4 came 2nd week 21 3rd week 70 and 4th week 90 and that was in pouring rain! Pick a spot that’s a visual no matter how little your town is and get out there. We have to stop this before it’s to late 🙏
Exactly. OR - update your wardrobe (this is tomorrow’s shirt) get out and get LOUD. I was the punk rock kid that moved to a preppy town. I did good trouble before it was a thing.
The Heritage Foundation is dictating policies for the Oval Office . These are the people pulling the puppet strings. Make their secretary quit. Tie up their phone lines. Be mean to them, annoy them, and make it difficult for them to retain employees.
Some people are not able to join protests etc. due to location, health, family commitments etc. Even for those who can, social media is vital
to share info, dates and ideas for resistance, encouragment support and show solidarity.
Many want to be active but don't know how.
The Heritage Foundation is dictating policies for the Oval Office . These are the people pulling the puppet strings. Make their secretary quit. Tie up their phone lines. Be mean to them, annoy them, and make it difficult for them to retain employees.
Never forget!
(Wife kicking me under table don’t you do it)
Call your elected officials every day. Use organizations like Indivisible to find protests near you. Make a sign and go protest.
Democracy isn’t going to save itself.
And if there aren’t any protests in your area, use Indivisible to organize one yourself.
The world is on fire because of Trump and the only thing they do is just smile and clap.
MARCH 14th in DC.
To act is to potentially lose it all.
Or if not what are you asking for specifically?
Now *looks at clock*
We have four weeks left.
I send money to Ukraine. To the land of the free.
Some pictures to put it in context
Sadly, as far from Anglo Saxon as is putting garlic in food.
Now is the time to be enraged and raise hell. It will be more and more difficult later 😔
Sadly, your megalomaniac is also totally Putin’s tool, and the latter is running out of time
The US population has no remaining protection FROM a criminal president.
The president cannot be indicted for any crime, cannot be prosecuted, and cannot be impeached.
He is not a king?
The only recourse those you’re decrying here is violence.
Proudly say so if that’s the case.
How about Jack Daniels to start. Not too personally painful, have global support already.
The messaging needs to be that only the people will bring about change. Courts and politicians are useless with few exceptions, such as Pete Buttigieg, AOC and Jasmine Crockett.
Like this:
I don't know what it will take to finally defeat Trump.
But I know it won't happen behind a keyboard.
days. Will that get the same results as no buy February 28 did?
Make it simple. Slash your MAGAt neighbor's tires. Pop your cherry.
"A single person's influence has way more power than what you think they have"
Yet they tell me I am supposed to vote harder, exercising my power...
March 15th💙🌹💙
As long as pizza gets delivered- who cares !
But I suppose people love pretending nothing is happening if it vindicates the negativity they love so much.
Hit any and all live broadcasts
Invite the news stations to events also, apparently that's a thing
We need to REMOND them they're the most expendable in a fascist regime
But getting Democrats to go vote on April 1st!!! Huge!!!
Where are our leaders? The younger people and old former protesters like I am.
Politicians will rail against policies.
The quiet types won't advertise their activities.
Maybe it takes a crime to defeat a criminal.
Together we achieve success.
Buying local is something
Using cash is something
CALLING your senators and Congressional representative is something
Or bet yet, every week, on Monday by 11:59 pm, we could send five bullet points of what we did.
I just cant understand how badly the dem leaders have let us down in this regard. Crockett is the closest we have & Id follow her
Arbor day
Let's plant our future.
No work.
No school.
We occupy our towns, our capitals, DC.
Organize now.
Because if there was something you could do, well, then you'd have to do something!
Despair is so much easier.
to share info, dates and ideas for resistance, encouragment support and show solidarity.
Many want to be active but don't know how.