Wow, that would really upset us if we didn't know that Alberta and Danielle Smith are Trumpy sycophants who deserve their comeuppance. When they're ready to renounce Trumpism, we're ready to align with them. Not before.
It’s been my experience that Canadians tend to look down on us out of a mix of insecurity and jealously.
This fleeting moment of presidential buffoonery is more-so an opportunity for them to justify their feelings to themselves.
Some friends.
Alberta, the most USA-like province in Canada.
Imagine the mood in other provinces.
It's hard to collectively p*ss off mild & polite Canadians, but somehow Rtump managed to do so in less than 2 months. Never mistake kindness with weakness.
#ElbowsUp #BoycottUSA
Thank you so much.I am right behind you as leader of B.C. and a fellow Canadian.S8de note can you please tear up the starlink deal made for the ferries....
I think they're still in discussions on Starlink and nothing has been finalized yet. It is supposed to be for crew only, particularly on the northern remote routes for additional operational/safety. I hope they can find a viable alternative but as a northerner myself, improving safety is critical
Well Stephen King....I'm an Albertan. And you Sir, have an uncanny ability to express the exact and proper word.. Do I feel "betrayed"? That's the perfect word for all of us not only in Alberta, but all of Canada. Want to know another word I now use in my discussions? Frightened!
Donald Trump is a disgrace not only to our closest friends and allies but his entire country he is trying to burn and close the gates with them inside people have to resist do not comply with these radical Nazis
With polls coming out in Europe after trump took office, I'd advice USA'ians to find a different place for summer holidays.
Doesn't look like you'll be greeted with anything but disdain.
I imagine signs soon coming to restaurants that says USA'ians won't be served.
I hope not. The citizens are not at fault, not even the red hat “people”. Trump is dictating like a monarch now. I mean running the country like a business. The little house on Pennsylvania ave is the issue.
Who, if not the red hats and 1/3 that didnt bother showing, are at fault?
It wasnt a palace coup and people were well informed that he would dismantle democracy
They empowered an obvious facist, full knowing
Do y'all think trump voters, & those who chose not to vote against this insanity, realize generations of Americans will suffer tremendously because of trump's dangerous disrespect towards our allies?
They have us to blame. People should have shown up to vote against this madness. GOP are complicit.
This Albertan and many many thousands of others is of Scottish descent. Mom is from South Uist. We 🇨🇦 and 🏴 are a bloody tough, resilient and brave people But don’t fuck with us, we’re brutal in a war.
Trump's whole presidency is based on petty revenge and he has oligarchs tending to the country in a way that only helps them hoard more money. How else will they buy another yacht?
I'm Albertan. We are one of, if not, the most far right, conservative provinces in the country. I regularly meet trumpists living here (I fucking hate this place) and even the people here are starting to hate America. That really says something...
I had been looking into moving to Alberta and when I found out how right wing it was there, it broke my heart and made me think thrice about it. My family is all from Quebec but I don't speak French, so it was keeping me from looking there.
I live in Alberta….for now…and agree, with exceptions. Like our premier and her mini MAGA base who would love this province to become the 51st state. Like Trump, she is hellbent on destroying this province. Wants to take our CPP, wants rid of RCMP, refused pharmacare, national dental care, childcare
I’m curious how much DS is earning for being part of this take over. She goes to US a lot. IDU, Koch, putin, tech billionaires… M Flynn telling people to get their guns and prepare to fight. Koch network was(is?) having ‘work shops’ to teach ppl the talking points & put people like MTG & LB in gov
I’m more concerned about how much all these frequent trips are costing Alberta taxpayers with nothing to show for the waste. Not to mention her own scandal at home went unaddressed fr over a week while she chummed around with the MAGA crowd in the US
That is an issue yes, but IMO whatever the $ amount the trips cost is nothing compared to if Alberta and/or Canada ends up like the US. She would sign us up for the 51st state in a heart beat. I don’t want to live under a dictator.
Alberta is already much like the US under Danielle Smith and would move to have Alberta become the 51st state in a heart beat, and so would the people that voted for her. And so would Pierre Poilievre if he ever became prime minister, so when the federal election is called people better vote!
And Alberta is our most MAGA-Lovin’ province! The provincial motto of Québec is “Je me souviens” (I remember). Its context is historically different, but we can use it here. We’re not ones to suffer rat finks gladly.
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
For a four year rebuilding, before the next maga Muppet starts it all over again? "We've changed, come back" is what an abusive partner would say. Nope.
Hawaiians are famous for their warm hospitality and welcoming atmosphere, but also for their respect of the environment, their love, peace, compassion, and overall respect. As a canadian, I would be honored to have you, if you would ever want to join. Respect ♥
ELECTION DISCREPANCIES: UNVEILING THE TRUTH, NATHAN TAYLOR, FROM ELECTION TRUTH ALLIANCE. Nathan Taylor from the Election Truth Alliance (ETA) discusses potential election result discrepancies on The Mark Thompson Show on YouTube. The ETA is a non-partisan organization focused on verifying elections
Zelenskyy tried to warn him and his peter theil parrot. We are being isolated economically, socially and politically almost daily. This authoritarian is a bully, thinks he can take on the world and our superpower status is taking a beating every moment of the day.
The rest of the free world will never fully trust us again. They're already shutting us out. And quite frankly, I don't blame them. We're gonna have to hold this L for generations.
Trump is tearing down everything because he didn't win last time, thus illistrating why. Of course, fool voters who've lost their jobs put him right back in.
I don't blame Canadians one bit. I hope that the ones who talked me off the ledge hundreds of times since 2016 & became what many of us called our "emotional support Canadians" know it's not all Americans. We're trying to survive until the midterms & take back House & Senate. Then the WH in 28.
You are assuming there will be future elections. I'm afraid there won't be any more free and fair elections. This last election was stolen. It was a well planned republican coup complete with cyber crimes and Russian interference. There will never be another fair election.
If you think you have until the midterms to get your shit together, you’re in big trouble. Failure to swing the House in the special elections and you will have no midterms.
It’s not all of you by a long shot. I have always loved the US. I’ve studied your history and politics as many have here.
We are SO hurt and betrayed. There’s no other word. We will never quite trust 🇺🇸 again sorry 😞
Now we are pissed. The orange Voldemort has united us. We’re tough, resilient, resourceful and we have many FRIENDS in the 🌎
I hope something happens to end this sooner rather than later. We’ll be civilized friends but never close again
sorry dudes. truthin’
Oh, don't you worry! Unlike our cabal of total ass clowns currently running the U.S., I would never underestimate a Canadian (or ever confuse our Canadian friend's kindness for weakness).
But Vulcans, who are related to Romulans, can produce exceptions to the rule of nature by conditioning the mind by logic. Like Spock. Who's autograph I happen to have.
I'm only hurt that people in the US are not rising to the occasion to take down the government they currently have. The grassroots clearly need to step in where most of the elected Dems are failing.
Because Dems & Independents stayed home instead of voting. It wasnt just MAGA. Someone reminded me of this earlier & it just pissed me off all over again.
Why the eff did those ppl stay home? If any Dem I know has the balls to admit they stayed home, I don't know what I'd do. They helped this happen
I find the voters who sat on their asses more despicable than those who voted for trump. The no-show numbers far exceeded (nearly doubled) the trump votes. They failed to take the threats of losing everything seriously, now we're all paying the price. "F" them!
As a radical progressive, my take is we gave them no reason to get off their couch. Nothing to vote for. No promise of universal Healthcare. No promise of a realistic minimum wage. No promise of anything to make their lives better. Just how bad bozo was. And, it should have been a slam dunk.
As a counterpoint, if "Stop the Fascist Traitor and Felon" isn't a convincing argument, leaving aside anything else, I don't know that any message could have penetrated.
Self-interest might have worked. You want my vote, what are you going to do for me? Remember, we want to get them to vote, get off their couch. Telling them bozo is bad won't do it, didn't do it. Not sure many know what a fascist is.
I'm actually ashamed to be an American. Electing the most stupid racist greedy nasty narcissistic lying dishonest (it just goes on & on & on & on) POTUS.
Agree. I think white middle-class America has got lazy & complacent. I mean, nothing outrageous bothers them until it hits home and even then they ignore the truth.
Or they cry about it and say "we're victims too! He lied to us! We thought he was just gonna fuck the rest of you people over. PLEASE LISTEN to us, we're the real victims because we BELIEVED in him!"
Yes! Drive up views on all HONEST media W LIKE, MAGA lies DISLIKE!
Remind these people WHO they work for & WHO pays their salary & expenses!
Trump & Elon also paid by taxpayers + their grifts $$$.
Find your congressional representatives, email & phone.
Find Your Representative
Canada is a gracious, kind & civil country, people are foolish to think this makes us weak. We will not forget or forgive easily. We didn't get all our rights, freedoms & universal health care by caving to pressure. Canadians know how to fight hard & we will fight hard. Canada is not for sale, ever!
Putin must be pushing trump hard, to have all these weird things in the air at once. If our democracy wasn't the collateral damage here, it might be fun to see putin squash trump like a bug when he's done with him.
I'll be honest: tariffs on, tariffs off, whatever happens, I'll be buying Canadian either way moving forward. It feels right to me and for me. I'm not being held hostage by a maniac, a fundamentalist Christian wackadoo or ketamine Clyde. GenX knows how to survive.
Canadian Tariffs on US goods start on page 34. Some as high as 300% on everyday items and have been in place for over 100 years. Betrayal is one word to describe that. This is a Canadian GOVT website.
I am an American...please accept my apology for the demented administration occupying the White House. I did NOT vote for this and neither did my friends. Canada, we stand by you. God bless.
I don't think most Canadians realize that Americans don't want to fight with them. Even most of his voters are against this. It's just Trump and MAGA. Your beef is with the MAGATs, not us freedom loving Americans.
We have our fascists. MAGA Maple destroys good things in Canada, too. Doug Ford is acting like he is fighting for us, but he is making a mint off the drop in the stock market. Canadians vote the criminals & Nazis back in, in Ontario. Dumbasses everywhere.
Why has Trump not been arrested for treason? He has stopped all military aid and intelligence with ukraine. He is aligning himself with Putin. Probably sharing NATO intelligence with Putin. He wants to leave NATO. He is a traitor!
Nope, i like my version better. Most people already know basically who their main 'enemies' are, what they don't know is which 'friend' will stab them in the back one day. And it happens to most people at least once in their life, if not more.
I honestly don’t get hangovers. I get wasted off of fast food, it makes me feel like garbage the next day, but I typically don’t feel bad after a night of drinking because I don’t drink heavily.
My great aunt used to have a bottle of this, wrapped in its velvet bag on a side table in her apartment. I'm a single malt guy, but how bad could it be?
I'll never understand the people who say "globalist" like it's an insult while having a living paid for in part by exports and then voting for the guy that thinks America First means you gotta be xenophobic isolationists.
And on top if it complaining that you're getting what you asked for.
These people probably have never travelled beyond their own trailer park 🤭 I lived and worked in 7 countries and am way ahead of them in understanding how it works.
This makes me so very sad. I love Alberta and all of Canada! I hope everyone won’t be angry with us when we visit Nova Scotia this summer. So many of us hate what is happening to the US right now.
Man, if Alberta dislikes the US, you fucked up with everyone. I mean Jesus Christ. You can't imagine how bad that is. The Fucking bad of Oatmeal in the White House strikes again. Fuck! Serious animosity now, all thanks to one man. The system is broken, there are no guard rails
To Preserve Our Democracy
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
In Canada, it is illegal for corporations to make political donations. Individuals can donate a total of $3300.00 of which only $1650.00 can be given to one party.
If you cross the boarder north, don’t wear a red hat unless it has a giant maple leaf on it. And don’t drive a Muskmobile. Assholes can be found everywhere, but you will likely encounter many nice people, regardless of their political persuasion. Maybe leave the politics at home and just be polite.
tRump is trying to isolate us, just as he has divided Americans from each other. Bef. 2015 I really didn't hate anyone, but now I'm at the point where I hate almost all Republicans. I no longer have anything to do with 3 MAGAt cousins. Nicole Wallace had a good (yet horrifying) segment abt this 3/7.
We have traitors within. I’m surprised Pierre Poilievre, Smith and Moe, can get through a conference with their fake patriotism. Their agenda is no different than Trumps.
I worked in the Alberta health care system as Respiratory Therapist.
Alberta started their treasonous agenda by making us
so they can
I worked in Alberta for many years as a Respiratory Therapist in their hospitals. I saw how brainwashed Albertans were by Russian propaganda from Fox News.
I was born in BC, and have worked in Ontario and Saskatchewan, but Alberta had the WORST people I have ever encountered.
Lifelong AB resident. I’m definitely tired of all of the rednecks in this province. They were insufferable during Covid. It was interesting to wear scrubs to the grocery store, suddenly people weren’t so confident about being unmasked and would give me a lot of distance.
I mean they could just as easily focus the hate on MAGA
This fleeting moment of presidential buffoonery is more-so an opportunity for them to justify their feelings to themselves.
Some friends.
Imagine the mood in other provinces.
It's hard to collectively p*ss off mild & polite Canadians, but somehow Rtump managed to do so in less than 2 months. Never mistake kindness with weakness.
#ElbowsUp #BoycottUSA
I see Canada as being moral, honest, and acts with the upmost integrity
Our government is corrupt, for sale, willing to trash our democracy and economy for what? Make his billionaires richer at our expense
Doesn't look like you'll be greeted with anything but disdain.
I imagine signs soon coming to restaurants that says USA'ians won't be served.
It wasnt a palace coup and people were well informed that he would dismantle democracy
They empowered an obvious facist, full knowing
I think most are duped.
They have us to blame. People should have shown up to vote against this madness. GOP are complicit.
che dai nemici mi guardo io!
(May God protect me from my friends, but I will protect myself from my enemies! - Italian proverb)
In Calgary. Not my hometown but my home province.
PASS IT ON!!!✊🏼🇺🇸✊🏼
I love Canada.
Our relationship ruined (and I pray not permanently destroyed) by that short-fingered vulgarian.
Nothing I can say or do other than buy Canadian or from non MAGA companies here.
We are SO hurt and betrayed. There’s no other word. We will never quite trust 🇺🇸 again sorry 😞
I hope something happens to end this sooner rather than later. We’ll be civilized friends but never close again
sorry dudes. truthin’
Don’t mistake our kindness for weakness
Or our correct grammar for “correctness”
Canada will never bend
A proud prairie girl
And a betrayed Calgarian is very very dangerous
I know
I’ve been one
We, Canada WON'T forget!
Went from the United Federation of Planets to the Klingon empire overnight...
Original Trekkie here... :)
Got to see both Munstermobiles too. It was a good day. 👍
I think we all can relate!
Why the eff did those ppl stay home? If any Dem I know has the balls to admit they stayed home, I don't know what I'd do. They helped this happen
Kamala could have won and we could have a real president and not be suck a fucked up shitshow.
I don't agree with you.
Trump is an uneducated maniac!!!!
Hurts really bad knowing people hate someone for supporting,
new ideas (liberal)
being informed (woke)
Or for being inclusive
or stressing some equality..
Remind these people WHO they work for & WHO pays their salary & expenses!
Trump & Elon also paid by taxpayers + their grifts $$$.
Find your congressional representatives, email & phone.
Find Your Representative
It is there.
- From Texas
👇🏻 Watch & share this very latest report from #BrokenNews NOW.
Even more so today.
Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,
That dost not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot...
I’ll help 😈😈😈😈😈😈
We are hurt too. Betrayed by our neighbors. Its horrifying to see the felon's flags flying everywhere
I hope Canadians know that we aren't all fascists
Nearly half of American voters voted for the sane candidate.
This is emphatically not US(A).
Cheers! 🥃 You get what you vote for 🇨🇦
#ElbowsUp Canada 🇨🇦
Silver lining for bourbon drinkers, I guess
Any suggestions for drinkers on a budget?
Friday and Saturday 2-3 glasses max weekly¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=4&gclid=Cj0KCQiAz6q-BhCfARIsAOezPxnxCPaa_vpPCuCObBtYowxl2VLKEzkzqZMUzAJ42IYyak0bXW65oYgaAu3zEALw_wcB
Look at it this way: it's about the cost of four dozen eggs!
And on top if it complaining that you're getting what you asked for.
Never stop learning!
Saw it on the way to the store earlier today.
We've all known for a long time that Trump is an Epstein pedophile/rapist.
Why do you think he's not releasing the FULL EPSTEIN FILES!!!
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
Tips appreciated!
The consequences of this ‘betrayal’ will endure well beyond Trump.
Alberta started their treasonous agenda by making us
so they can
I worked in Alberta for many years as a Respiratory Therapist in their hospitals. I saw how brainwashed Albertans were by Russian propaganda from Fox News.
I was born in BC, and have worked in Ontario and Saskatchewan, but Alberta had the WORST people I have ever encountered.
But, yes, you are lucky to have NOT grown up in Alberta.
Alberta is the fascist-loving butthole of Canada, and Danielle Smith is the hemorrhoid cream.